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Re: establishing new lists for Sharp 3k and Poquet PC.

Hello Robert,

> I used to get Brian Mason's Poqet list and, like Tamas, I also
> subscribe to the HPLX list. (I have a PQ181 and an HP 95LX.) I think
> that reviving a separate Poqet list is a good idea.

Talking about reviving:  Brian Mason is looking for an ISP to revive
his, in which case I would of course pass over to him again.  However,
so long as that hasn't happened I guess a replacement is still better
than nothing...

> It would be useful to have a Poqet-specific list, where one can ask specific
> questions or pass on specific information, even if the traffic might be low.

I guess that by now I am leaning in this direction too.  So unless
somebody knows a really good reason for merging these list, I guess we
just keep it like it is.

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