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Re: establishing new lists for Sharp 3k and Poquet PC.

Hello all,

> From: "Tamas Feher" <etomcat@xxxxxxxxxxx>

commented (and I'm also sending a copy to the hplx-l maintainer):

> I wonder if it is a wise idea to start up these lists again. I mean
> most probably you will not be able gather the critical mass of
> readers to keep the flow of mail afloat.

Yes, I can see that this might be a problem.  On the other hand, it
also means that subscription to either list would not place undue
demands on ones time.  Still, one or two mails a day wouldn't be too

Currently (after only 3 days) we have (only)

poqetpc    25
sharp-pc3k 13

subscriptions, which, admittedly, isn't that much :-(

> I do think the best option would be to join the vivid HPLX-L list, 
> which deals with the H-P 200LX palmtop. Nowadays, the focus of 
> the list is about using non built-in (stock DOS) or custom written 
> software and the in-ROM PIM is getting less and less important. 
> Therefore the difference between 200LX, 3K, Poquet is shrinking, 
> they are just XT DOS machines with CGA and PCMCIA.
> Or at least a "gateway" solution between the list, so questions and 
> answers generic enough could pop up on both forums and help 
> gradually integrate the different DOS palmtop platform sects.

But of course, once such a gateway exist and all subscribers to all
lists see the same mails, one could just as well have subscribed to
only one of the lists (most likely HPLX-L).  At least I don't see any
way to have a gateway that would weed out machine-specific stuff
automatically --- which is a shame, since I did like the idea of a
gatewa originally --- before I started thinking about it some more.

Anyway, in case that people on this lists think that a subscription to
HPLX might be a good idea, here's the page:


And here's how to subscribe:

Please send commands to LISTSERV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

* to SUBSCRIBE send the command    SUB HPLX-L firstname lastname 
* to UNSUBSCRIBE send the command  SIGNOFF HPLX-L 

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