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How to unsubscribe (was: VIRUS IN MAIL FOR YOU (Daily Summary))

Hello all,

there was recently a discussion of sorts whether it is still worth it
to keep the sharp-pc3k list up and running, even though the noise
(spam and virus warnings) by far outweights the benefits (as these are
_very_ low volume groups).  Most people replying opted for the list to
stay alive (and I promised to look into some improvements like
spam-filters or making it a subscribers-only list), but in case you
really want to get out, here is the information you got when you
originally subscribed:

--- snip ---

you have been subscribed to the Poqet-PC email-list at


Please keep this mail so that you know how to unsubscribe (by sending
mail to PoqetPC-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx saying so) or
how to contact me (by sending mail to

Please note that subscription and unsubscription to this list is
currently handled by hand, and therefore might take a while :-)

All the best

Sven Utcke
--- snip ---

 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
| ' </ _ \/ _` (_-<  phone:    +49 (0)40 42883-2576      Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
|_|\_\___/\__, /__/  fax  :    +49 (0)40 42883-2572             D-22527 Hamburg
          |___/ http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~utcke/home.html