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Re: Compact Flash and Drivers

Hello Yannick,

> I bought a PC3000 on Ebay a few weeks ago.
> I used DEBUG to assemble a few sample programs and I had
> fun with this...
> But now I'd like to get more space, so I'd like to add a
> compact flash reader. The main question I have is to know
> how to make a compact flash work since I won't be able to
> add any driver since I don't have a serial cable...
> Does someone have a flash card for sale that is known to
> work on PC3k or the reference of a card that is still
> available in stores ?

This will not work.  See
for a discussion on how to add a CF-card to the PC3K.  The upspring of
all this is that the driver for the CF can not reside on the CF, as
you would not be able to read the driver :-)

I have an SRAM card holding the drivers and a couple of other files
which I use to setup the PC3K in such a way that it will than work
with a CF-card.  SRAM cards can be bought off ebay, but are generally
quite expensive (at least in comparison to their size).  Building your
own cable might therefore be a cheaper option, if you are skillful
enough to manufacture your own connector.


PS: please, if you try a CF-card not yet listed, do not forget to tell
    me about it (either way, even if it didn't work :-)
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