Projects and Research
at the Cognitive Systems Laboratory
For projects of the research unit BV (Prof. H. Siegfried Stiehl) since 2010 see
For projects of the research unit SAV (Prof. Leonie Dreschler-Fischer) since 2010 see
Internal Projects
- Knowledge-based Image Understanding, Scene Interpretation
- Manuscript Analysis
- Applications of Knowledge-based Systems
Funded Projects
Former Internal Projects
- Influence of Digitalisation on Geometrical and Topological Image
- Algorithms and Data Structures for Image Segmentation
- VIGRA: Softwaretechnology for Image Analysis
- Influence of Digitization on Geometrical and Topological Image
- Tracking Nerve Fibers in the Brain by Diffusion-weighted MRI-data
- Deformation-based Morphometry of the Brain by Longitudinal
- Error Propagation in Projective Geometry
- Computer-based Classification of Utility Ceramics
- Segmentation of Biological Cells in Confocal Microscopic Images
- Analysis of Antique Chinese Manuscripts
- RACER: Renamed ABox and Concept Expression Reasoner
- VISCO: Visual Spatial Query Languages
- Reactive Basic Behaviour of Active Systems
- Knowledge-based Generation of Visualisations
- Knowledge-based Visualisation of Programs and Visual Programming
- Models for Information Processing for Early Visual Perception
Former Funded Projects
- IMPACT: Image Processing
Methods for Determining Manuscript and Character Features
- RACE: Robustness by
Autonomous Competence Enhancement
Center for Science and International Security at the University of
- TRAVO: Topology-preserving Reconstruction of Sampled Volumes and
Probabilistic Preference Measures for Knowledge-based Scene
- Co-Friend: Cognitive and
Flexible Learning System Operating Robust Interpretation of Extended
Scenes by Multi-sensors Datafusion
- eTRIMS: eTraining for
Interpreting Images of Man-made Scenes
- Analysis and Visualisation of 3D Tomographic Images of
Medium-dense Wood Fiberboards (MDF)
- VoCaLISe: Graph-Based Segmentation of Adherent Cells in Confocal
- ConIPF: Configuration of Industrial Product Families
- CogVis: Cognitive Vision Systems
- 3S: Case-based School-Support-Service
- DLS: Spatial-terminological inferencing
- Edge and Scale Determination Based on Discrete Scale-space Theory
- RELAX: Non-linear Relaxion Networks for Preprocessing and
Segmentation of Multi-dimensionaler Signals
- INDIA: Intelligent Diagnosis in Industrial Applications
- IMAGINE: IMage- and Atlas-Guided Interventions in NEurosurgery
- CONTRA: Contour Tracking
- Variational Image Segmentation
- Information-processing Models und Psychophysics of Contour
- VIVA: Imgage-based Recognition of 3D Objects by Means of Aspect
- COVIRA: Computer Vision in Radiology
- PROKON: Problem-specific Tools for Knowledge-based Configuration
- BEHAVIOR: Model-based Knowledge Representation and Inference
Procedures for Dynamical Technical Systems
- NAMOS: Principles of Neural Architectures for Self-organizing
Mobile Systems
- OSCAR: Open Skies for Conventional Arms Reduction
- TEX-K: Technical Expert Systems for Configuration
- NAOS: Natural-language Description of Object Motion in Traffic