Publication list of Lothar Hotz


L. Hotz, P. Struss, and T. Guckenbiehl (eds.). Intelligent Diagnosis in Industrial Applications. Shaker Verlag, 2000, pp.1-268.

L. Hotz, T. Krebs, J. Sauer, and J. Köhler (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th Workshop, New Results in Planning, Scheduling and Configuration PuK2003. LKI, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 2003, pp. 1-167.

L. Hotz, K. Wolter, T. Krebs, S. Deelstra, M. Sinnema, J. Nijhuis, and J. MacGregor. Configuration in Industrial Product Family - The ConIPF Methodology. ISO-Press, 2006, pp. I-XI, 1-296.

L. Hotz. Frame-based Knowledge Representation for Configuration, Anaylsis, and Diagnosis of technical Systems (in German). PhD Thesis, University of Hamburg, DISKI 325, AKA Verlag, 2009

A. Felfernig, L. Hotz, C. Bagley, and Juha Tiihonen (eds.). Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, pp. I-XXIII, 1-357.

A. Felfernig, J. Tiihonen, L. Hotz, and M. Stettinger. (eds.). Proceedings of the 20st International Configuration Workshop (ConfWS 2018), Graz, Austria, September 27 th to 28th. CEUR-WS, Vol-2220,, 2018.

L. Hotz, M. Aldanondo, and T. Krebs (eds.). Proceedings of the 21st International Configuration Workshop (ConfWS 2019), Hamburg, Germany, September 19th to 20th. CEUR-WS, Vol-2467,, 2019.

Topic: Metaconfiguration

L. Hotz: Construction of Configuration Models. In: M. Stumptner and P. Albert (eds.), Configuration Workshop, IJCAI Workshop Proceedings, Pasadena, 2009. Also in MKWI 2010, 2233-2249.

L. Hotz and S. von Riegen. Knowledge-based Implementation of Metalayers - The Reasoning-Driven Architecture. In Workshop on Intelligent Engineering Techniques for Knowledge Bases, ECAI 2010, Alexander Felfernig (ed.), Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.

L. Hotz and S. von Riegen. A Reasoning-Driven Architecture — a Pragmatic Note on Metareasoning. In Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK 2010) - KI 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany 2010.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen. Thoughts About Structuralization, Specialization, Instantiation, and Metaization, KEOD-2011, – International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, J. Filiple and J.L.G. Dietz (editors), SciTePress, Paris, France, 2011, 457-460.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen. When to use what: Structuralization, Specialization, Instantiation, Metaization - Some Hints for Knowledge Engineers. In: K. Shchekotykhin, D. Jannach, M. Zanker (eds.), Workshop on Configuration, at the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, 2011, 36-39.

Topic: Configuration and Computer Vision and Robotics

L. Hotz and B. Neumann. Scene Interpretation as a Configuration Task. KI-Zeitung, Heft 3, 2005, 59-65. Also in Technical Report B-262-05, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, März 2005.

L. Hotz. Configuring from Observed Parts. Configuration Workshop, ECAI 2006, Riva del Garda, 2006, 20-24..

L. Hotz, B. Neumann, K. Terzic, J. Sochman. Feedback between Low-Level and High-Level Image Processing. TR FBI-B-278/07, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, 2007.

K. Terzic, L. Hotz, and B. Neumann. Division of Work During Behaviour Recognition - The SCENIC Approach. Proc. Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Inter­pretation BMI-07, KI-07, 2007, 144-159.

L. Hotz, B. Neumann, K. Terzic. High-level Expectations for Low-level Image Processing. Proc. KI-2008, Springer, 2008, 87-94.

L. Hotz. Modeling, Representing, and Configuring Restricted Part-Whole Relations. In: J.Tihonen (ed.), Configuration Workshop, ECAI Workshop Proceedings, Patras, 2008.

J. Hartz, L. Hotz, B. Neumann, and K. Terzic. Automatic Incremental Model Learning for Scene Interpretation. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence (IASTED CI-2009), Honolulu (Hawaii, USA), August 2009.

K. Terzic, L. Hotz., and J. Sochman. Interpreting Structures in Man-Made Scenes: Combining Low-Level and High-Level Structure Sources. In: Proc. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2010), Valencia, January 2010, 357-364.

S. Wenzel, L. Hotz. The Role of Sequences for Incremental Learning. In: Proc. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2010), Joaquim Filipe, Ana L. N. Fred, and Bernadette Sharp (eds.), Valencia, January 2010, 434-439.

L. Hotz and B. Neumann. Learning and Recognizing Structures in Façade Scenes (eTRIMS) - a Retrospective. KI, 24(1), 2010, 63–68.

W. Bohlken, B. Neumann, L. Hotz, P. Koopmann. Ontology-Based Realtime Activity Monitoring Using Beam Search. In: Crowley, J.L. et al. (eds.): ICVS 2011, LNCS 6962, Springer, Heidelberg, 2011, 112-121.

L. Hotz, B. Neumann, S. von Riegen, N. Worch. Using Ontology-based Experiences for Supporting Robots Tasks – Position Paper, MLIS-2012 ECAI-Workshop, Cuayáhuitl, H.; Frommberger, L.; Dethlefs, N.; Sahli, H. (eds.), Montpellier, France, 2012, 17-20.

L. Hotz, P. Rost, S. von Riegen. Combining Qualitative Spatial Reasoning and Ontological Reasoning for Supporting Robot Tasks, KEOD-2012, Barcelona, Spain, 2012, 377-380.

P. Rost, L. Hotz, S. von Riegen. Supporting Mobile Robot‘s Tasks through Qualitative Spatial Reasoning, in 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Bernard, A. e. a., editor, Rome, Italy, 2012, 394-399.

W. Bohlken, P. Koopmann, L. Hotz, B. Neumann. Towards Ontology-Based Realtime Behaviour Interpretation. In Guesgen, H.W. and Marsland, S. (eds.): Human Behavior Recognition Technologies: Intelligent Applications for Monitoring and Security, IGI Global, 2013, 33-64.

S. Rockel, B. Neumann, J. Zhang, K.S.R. Dubba, A. Cohn, S. Konecny, M. Mansouri, F. Pecora, A. Saffioti, M. Günther, S. Stock, J. Hertzberg, A.M. Tome, A. Pinho, L. Seabra Lopes, S. von Riegen, L. Hotz. An Ontology-based Multi-level Robot Architecture for Learning from Experiences. In: Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI II, AAAI Spring Symposium 2013, March 25-27, Stanford University, USA, 2013.

J. Hertzberg, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, S. Rockel, B. Neumann, J. Lehmann, K.S.R. Dubba, A. Cohn, A. Saffiotti, F. Pecora, M. Mansouri, S. Konecny, M. Günther, S. Stock, L. Seabra Lopes, M. Oliveira, G.H. Lim, H. Kasaei, V. Mokhtari, L. Hotz, W. Bohlken. The RACE Project - Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligenc, Vol. 28, Issue 4, Springer, 2014, 297-304.

J. Lehmann, B. Neumann, W. Bohlken, L. Hotz. A Robot Waiter that Predicts Events by High-level Scene Interpretation. Proc. 6th Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014), Angers, March 6-8, 2014, 469-476.

B. Neumann, L. Hotz, P. Rost, J. Lehmann. A Robot Waiter Learning from Experiences. In: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Springer LNCS 8556, 2014, 285-299.

S. von Riegen, L. Hotz, and R. Herzog. Towards a Traffic Understanding. In: ITS World Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 2021, 1-11, to appear.

L. Hotz. Constraining Classification Results. Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences, CDCS Opening Symposiun 2022, Report of Abstracts. 2022, 7.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, and R. Herzog. Iterative Constraint Reasoning - Dynamic Constraint Reasoning in Time Space. In: 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B (SPLC '22), September 12--16, 2022, Graz, Austria.

Topic: Ontologies and Requirements Engineering

L. Hotz and T. Krebs. What Can the ConIPF Methodology Offer for Requirements-driven Reuse-oriented Software Development? Model Reuse Strategies - Can Requirements Drive Reuse of Software Models? Proceedings of First Interna­tional Workshop MoRSe 2006, Michal Smialek, Markus Nick, Audris Kalnins, Rob Pooley, Jürgen Falb (Hrsg.), Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2006.

T. Krebs, L. Hotz, and K. Wolter. Requirements-driven Software Development System (ReDSeeDS) - A Project Outline. Künstliche Intelligenz (Schwerpunkt: 20 Jahre Planen und Konfigurieren), Heft 1/2007, BöttcherIT Verlag, 2007, 26-28.

K. Wolter, T. Krebs, D. Bildhauer, M. Nick, and L. Hotz. Software Case Similarity Measure, Deliverable D2.4, ReDSeeDS Project, 2007.

K. Wolter, T. Krebs, and L. Hotz. Ontology-based Model Comparison. GI Software­technik Trend, Vol. 27, No. 2, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2007.

K. Wolter, L. Hotz, T. Krebs. Towards Integration of Modelling and Reusing Software Cases. Proc. Workshop on Software and Services Variability Management - Concepts, Models and Tool, Tomi Männistö, Eila Niemelä, Mikko Raatikainen (Hrsg.), Helsinki, Finland, April 2007, 93-98.

K. Wolter, T. Krebs, L. Hotz, Determining Similarity of Model-based and Descriptive

Requirements by Combining Different Similarity Measures, 2nd International Workshop on
Model Reuse Strategies (MoRSE08) at the 10th International Conference on Software Reuse
(ISCR 2008), Beijing, 2008.

K. Wolter, T. Krebs, L. Hotz, A Combined Similarity Measure for Determining Similarity of Model-based and Descriptive Requirements, Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Software Engineering, ECAI 2008 Workshop, AISEW 2008, Patras, 2008.

L. Hotz, K. Wolter, S. Knab, and A. Solth. Ontology-based Similarity of Software Cases. International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Funchal, Portugal, 2009, 183-191.

K. Wolter, M. Śmiałek , L. Hotz, S. Knab, J. Bojarski, W. Nowakowski. Mapping MOF-based requirements representations to ontologies for software reuse, Transformation and weaving ontologies in model driven engineering (TWOMDE), October 4, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2009.

Topic: Configuration and Product Families

L. Hotz and A. Günter. Using Knowledge-Based Configuration for Configuring Software. Proc. of the Configuration Workshop on 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2002), Lyon, July 21-26, 2002, 63-65.

T. Krebs, L. Hotz, and A. Günter. Knowledge-based Configuration for Configuring Combined Hardware/Software Systems. Proc. of 16. Workshop, Planen, Sche­duling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PuK 2002), J. Sauer (Hrsg.), Freiburg, Germany, Oktober 2002.

L. Hotz, T. Krebs, and A. Günter. A Knowledge-based Product Derivation Process and some Ideas how to Integrate Product Development (position paper). Workshop on Software Variability Management (SVM), Groningen, The Netherlands, Februar 2003.

L. Hotz and T. Krebs. Supporting the Product Derivation Process with a Knowledge-based Approach, Proc. Workshop on Software Variability Management (SVM) at the ICSE 2003, Jan Bosch, Peters Knauber (eds.), Portland, 2003, 24-29.

T. Krebs and L. Hotz. Needed Expressiveness for Representing Features and Customer Requirements. Proc. Workshop on Modeling Variability for Object-Oriented Product Lines at ECOOP 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, Juli 2003.

L. Hotz, T. Krebs, and K. Wolter. Using a Structure-based Configuration Tool for Product Derivation (tool demonstration). Proc. of Automated Software Enginee­ring Conference (ASE 2004), Linz, Austria, September 2004, 388-391.

T. Krebs, K. Wolter, and L. Hotz. Mass Customization for Evolving Product Families. Proc. PETO Conference, Copenhagen, 2004.

L. Hotz and Thorsten Krebs. Reasoning Methods for Knowledge-based Product Deri­vation (poster presentation). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2004), ICSR’04, Madrid, 2004.

K. Wolter, T. Krebs, L. Hotz, and T.D. Meijler. Knowledge-based Product Derivation Process. Proc. of the IFIP 18th World Computer Congress TC12 First Interna­tional Conf. on AI Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2004), Toulouse, France, August 2004.

T. Krebs, L. Hotz, and K.Wolter. Pre-Packaged Variability for Product Derivation in Product Lines. Proc. of the Configuration Workshop on 17th European Confe­rence on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2004), Valencia, 2004.

L. Hotz, T. Krebs, and K. Wolter. Knowledge-based Product Derivation - Research Topics of the ConIPF Project. KI-Zeitung, Heft 18/04, 2004.

T. Krebs, K. Wolter, and L. Hotz. Model-based Configuration Support for Product Derivation in Software Product Families. Mass Customization. Concepts-Tools-Realization, Proceedings of the International Mass Customization Meeting 2005 (IMCM’05), Thorsten Blecker, Gerhard Frierdrich (Hrsg.), GITO Verlag, Klagenfurt, Austria, Juni 2005, 43-61.

T. Krebs, K. Wolter, and L. Hotz. Model-based Configuration Support for Product Derivation in Software Product Families. Proc. of 19. Workshop on Planen, Scheduling, Konfigurieren / Entwerfen (PuK 2005), KI 2005, Koblenz, Germany, September 2005.

L. Hotz, T. Krebs, and K. Wolter. Introducing the ConIPF Methodology in an Organi­zation to Implement Mass Costumization. Customer Interaction and Customer Integration, Proceedings of the Joint Conference IMCM'06 & PETO'06, T. Blecker, G. Friedrich, L. Hvam, K. Edwards (Hrsg.), GITO-Verlag, June, Hamburg 2006, 233-242.

K. Wolter, L. Hotz, and T. Krebs. Model-based Configuration Support for Software Product Families. Mass Customization: Challenges and Solutions, Thorsten Blecker, Gerhard Frierdrich (Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, 2006.

L. Hotz, Y. Wang, M. Riebisch, O. Götz, J. Lackhove. Evaluation across multiple views for variable automation systems. In Proc. SPLC 2015, July 20-24, Nashville TN, USA, 2015, 311-315.

Y. Wang, L. Hotz: Optimal Feature Selection via Evolutionary Algorithms and Constraint Solving. In Proc. Configuration Workshop 2016, 5 September – 6 September, Toulouse, France, 2016, 97-104.

Topic: Dependency Analysis

L. Hotz. Überlegungen zur parallelen Verarbeitung in Konfigurierungssystemen. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK’96), Jürgen Sauer, Andreas Günter, Joachim Hertzberg, infix-verlag, 1996, 172-178.

L. Hotz, T. Krebs, and K. Wolter. Dependency Analysis and its Use for Evolution Tasks. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK), KI’04, Ulm, 2004.

Topic: Analysis and Diagnosis

H. Milde, L. Hotz, R. Möller, and B. Neumann. Resistive Networks Revisited: Exploitation of Network Structures and Qualitative Reasoning about Deviations is the Key. Proc. DX-97, 8th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, 1997.

L. Hotz, H. Milde, R. Möller, and B. Neumann. Using Behavior Deviations and an Interval-Based Calculus for Modeling Electronic Circuits. Proc. Workshop der Fachgruppe Modellbasiertes und Qualitatives Schließen, 1997.

J. Kahl, H. Milde, L. Hotz, and S. Wessel. MAD: Modellierungs-, Analyse- und Diagnosesystem. Fachausstellungsführer zur 22. Jahrestagung Künstliche Intel­ligenz (KI’98), Bremen, 1998.

J. Kahl, H. Milde, L. Hotz, and S. Wessel. Automatic Generation of Decision Trees for Diagnosis: The MAD-System. Proc. der Int. Conference on Information Tech­nology and Knowledge Systems, Wien, Budapest, 1998.

L. Hotz: Deklarative Beschreibung von Diagnose-Kontrollprinzipien. INDIA Report 99-03. Universität Hamburg, August 1999

L. Hotz, Heiko Milde, Jörg Kahl, Stephanie Wessel. General Specification of the Modelling, Analysing and Diagnosing System (MAD) - Second Prototype - INDIA Report 99-02. Universität Hamburg, August 1999

H. Milde, L. Hotz, J. Kahl, and S. Wessel. Qualitative Model-Based Decision Tree Generation for Diagnosis in Real World Industrial Application. KI Zeitung 13/33, 1999, 30-35.

H. Milde, L. Hotz, J. Kahl, B. Neumann, and S. Wessel. MAD: A Real World Applica­tion of Qualitative Model-Based Decision Tree Generation for Diagnosis. Proc. IEA/AIE-99, 12th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, I. Imam, Y. Kodra­toff, A. El-Dessouki, M. Ali (Hrsg.), Cairo, Egypt, May/June, 1999, 246-255.

H. Milde, L. Hotz, J. Kahl, and S. Wessel. Qualitative Analysis of Electrical Circuits for Computer-based Diagnostic Decision Tree Generation. Proc. DX-99, 10th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, 1999.

J. Kahl, L. Hotz, H. Milde, and S. Wessel. Improving Reasoning Efficiency for Subclasses of Allen’s Algebra with Instantiation Intervals. IJCAI-Workshop KRR-3, Hot Topics in Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Stockholm, 1999. Also in KI-99, Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1999, 299-302.

J. Kahl, H. Milde, L. Hotz, and S. Wessel. A More Efficient Knowledge Representa­tion of Allen’s Algebra and Point Algebra. Proc. IEA/AIE-99, 12th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, I. Imam, Y. Kodratoff, A. El-Dessouki, M. Ali (Hrsg.), Cairo, Egypt, May/June, 1999, 747-752.

J. Kahl, H. Milde, L. Hotz, and S. Wessel. MAD: Modellierungs-, Analyse- und Diagnosesystem. Fachausstellungsführer zur 23. Jahrestagung Künstliche Intel­ligenz (KI’99), Bonn, 1999.

H. Milde and L. Hotz. Facing Diagnosis Reality - Model-Based Fault Tree Generation in Industrial Application. Proc. DX-00, 11th International Workshop on Prin­ciples of Diagnosis, 2000.

H. Milde and L. Hotz. Generating Fault Trees from Mixed Quantitative and Qualita­tive Device Models. Proc. ECAI Workshop W31 on Knowledge-Based Systems for Model-Based Engineering, 2000.

H. Milde, L. Hotz, J. Kahl, B. Neumann, and S. Wessel. The Modeling, Analyzing, and Diagnozing System (MAD). INDIA - Intelligente Diagnose in der industri­ellen Anwendung, L. Hotz, P. Struss and T. Guckenbiehl (Hrsg.), Shaker-Verlag, 2000.

Topic: Configuration

A. Günter and L. Hotz. Verfahren zur Auflösung von Konfigurationskonflikten in Expertensystemen, in: KI 1/1993, FBO-Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1993, 16-23.

L. Hotz and T. Vietze. Sichten und Mehrfachvererbung. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK), 1993, 143-153.

L. Hotz. Von objektorientierter Programmierung über das Metaobjekt-Protokoll zur Repräsentation von Konfigurierungswissen - ein weiterer Schritt. Workshop "Objektorientierte Technologien - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen", W. Koparschick (Hrsg.), FORWISS, München 1993.

A. Günter, L.Hotz, T.Vietze. Diskussion über die Verwendung von terminologischen Systemen oder modularen Problemlösungsbausteinen für die Wissensrepräsentation in Konfigurierungssystemen. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK), 1994, 59-67.

A. Günter and L. Hotz. Auflösung von Konfigurationskonflikten mit wissensba­siertem Backtracking und Reparaturanweisungen. Wissensbasiertes Konfigu­rieren, A. Günter (Hrsg.), Infix-Verlag, St. Augustin, 1995, 181-192.

A. Günter, L. Hotz., and T. Vietze. Die Basismodule von KONWERK. Wissensba­siertes Konfigurieren, A. Günter (Hrsg.), Infix-Verlag, St. Augustin, 1995, 77-88.

A. Günter and L. Hotz. Verwendung von KONWERK zur Realisierung von Anwen­dungssystemen. Wissensbasiertes Konfigurieren, A. Günter (Hrsg.), Infix-Verlag, St. Augustin, 1995, 269-278.

L. Hotz and T. Vietze. Innovatives Konfigurieren. PuK-95 - Beiträge zum 9. Workshop Planen und Konfigurieren, S. Biundo und W. Tank (Hrsg.), Kaisers­lautern, 1995.

L. Hotz. and T. Vietze. Innovatives Konfigurieren als Erweiterung des modellbasierten Ansatzes. Wissensbasiertes Konfigurieren, A. Günter (Hrsg.), Infix-Verlag, St. Augustin, 1995, 39-48.

L. Hotz. and T. Vietze. Erweiterung der Begriffshieararchie um Sichten und Mehrfachvererbung. Wissensbasiertes Konfigurieren, A. Günter (Hrsg.), Infix-Verlag, St. Augustin, 1995, 117-128.

O. Gülden and L. Hotz. Integration von Ressourcenorientiertem und Strukturorien­tiertem Konfigurieren am Beispiel von KONWERK. 11. Workshop "Planen und Konfigurieren" (PuK-97) im Rahmen der 4. Deutschen Tagung "Wissensba­sierte Systeme (XPS-97), Bad Honnef, 1997.

V. Arlt, A. Günter, O. Hollmann, T. Wagner, and L. Hotz. EngCon - Engineering & Configuration. Proc. of the Workshop on Configuration, G. Friedrich (Hrsg.), AAAI-99, 1999, 123.

A. Günter and L. Hotz. KONWERK - A Domain Independent Configuration Tool. Proc. of the Workshop on Configuration, G. Friedrich (Hrsg.), AAAI-99, Orlando, 1999, 125.

L. Hotz and T. Krebs. Configuration - State of the Art and New Challenges. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK), L. Hotz and T. Krebs (Hrsg.), KI’03, Hamburg, 2003.

T. Krebs, L. Hotz, C. Ranze, and G. Vehring. Towards Evolving Configuration Models. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK), L. Hotz and T. Krebs (Hrsg.), KI’03, Hamburg, 2003.

L. Hotz, K. Wolter. Beyond Physical Product Configuration – Configuration in Unusual Domains. AI Communications 26 (1), 2013, 39-66.

L. Hotz. What makes the difference? Basic characteristics of configuration. Proc. of the 15th International Configuration Workshop, M. Aldanondo, A. Falkner (Hrsg.), Vienna, Austria, 2013, 95-100.

C. Bagley, A. Felfernig, J. Tiihonen, L. Wortley, L. Hotz. Benefits of Configuration Systems. In: Felfernig, A., Hotz, L., Bagley, C., Tiihonen, J. (Eds.), Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, 29-34.

A. Felfernig, L. Hotz, J. Tiihonen., C. Bagley. Configuration-Related Topics. In: Felfernig, A., Hotz, L., Bagley, C., Tiihonen, J. (Eds.), Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, 21-27.

L. Hotz, A. Felfernig, A. Günter, J. Tiihonen. A Short History of Configuration Technologies. In: Felfernig, A., Hotz, L., Bagley, C., Tiihonen, J. (Eds.), Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, 9-19.

L. Hotz, A. Felfernig, M.Stumptner, A.Ryabokon, C. Bagley, K. Wolter. Configuration Knowledge Representation & Reasoning. In: Felfernig, A., Hotz, L., Bagley, C., Tiihonen, J. (Eds.), Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, 41-72.

L. Hotz, A. Günter. KONWERK. In: Felfernig, A., Hotz, L., Bagley, C., Tiihonen, J. (Eds.), Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, 281-295.

L. Hotz, K.Wolter. Smarthome Configuration Model. In: Felfernig, A., Hotz, L., Bagley, C., Tiihonen, J. (Eds.), Knowledge-based Configuration - From Research to Business Cases. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Waltham, MA, 2014, 121-135.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, R. Herzog. Adaptive Autonomous Machines - Requirements and Challenges. In Configuration Workshop, eds., Lothar Hotz, Michel Aldanondo, and Torsten Krebs, volume 2467 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2019, 61-64.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, R. Herzog, R. P. Pein. Towards a Modular Distributed Configuration Model for Autonomous Machines. In Configuration Workshop, eds., Cipriano Forza, Lars Hvam, and Alexander Felfernig, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Vicenza, Italy, 2020, 53-56.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, R. Herzog. Towards a Comprehensive Architecture for Autonomous Adaptive Machines. In 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, 2020, 1073-1076.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, R. Herzog. Adaptive Autonomous Machines - Modeling and Architecture. In Intelligent Systems in Industrial Applications (ISMIS), Stettinger, M., Leitner, G., Felfering, A., Ras, Z.W. (Eds)., Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2021, 97-106.

L. Bonorden, M. Frerichs, D. Jürgensen, M. Riebisch1, S. von Riegen, F. Hartke, R. Herzog, L. Hotz, M. Kiele-Dunsche, S. Schottler, R. Schroeder. Decision-making About Federated Digital Twins – How to Distribute Information Storage and Computing. Modellierung 2022, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2022


Topic: Parallel Processing


L. Hotz. An Object-Oriented Approach for Programming the Connection Machine. Second International Workshop on Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelli­gence, PPAI’93, H. Kitano (ed.), Elsevier Science, Publishers, 1994.

L. Hotz. Überlegungen zur parallelen Verarbeitung in Konfigurierungssystemen. Proc. Workshop on Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK’96), 1996.

L. Hotz and M. Trowe. Distributing Constraints on Workstation Clusters by using a Structure-Oriented Programming Model. Parallel Computing ’97 (ParCo97), Bonn, September, 1997.

L. Hotz and M. Trowe. Parallel Programming in Common Lisp using Actors and Parallel Abstractions. Proc. of the Workshop Deklarative KI-Methoden zur Implementierung und Nutzung von Systemen in Netzen, Workshop der KI-98, Bremen, 1998.

L. Hotz and M. Trowe. NetCLOS - Parallel Programming in Common Lisp. Proc. of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Tech­niques and Applications, PDPTA’99, H.R. Arabnia (Hrsg.), Volume IV, 2034 --2040, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, 1999, 2034-2040.

L. Hotz and M. Trowe. NetCLOS and Parallel Abstractions - Actor and Structure-Oriented Programming on Workstation Clusters with Common Lisp. Proc. of the European Lisp Users Group Meeting, ELUGM’99, Amsterdam, 1999.

L. Hotz. Parallel Abstractions - Structure-Oriented Programming. Proc. of the Inter­national Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA’02, H.R. Arabnia (Hrsg.), Volume II, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, 2002, 651-657.

Topic: Implementation of Knowledge-based Systems

L. Hotz. Entwurf und Implementierung eines Expertensystem-Werkzeugs in Common-Lisp auf der Basis von OPS5. Diplomarbeit, Universität Hamburg, 1987.

L. Hotz. Definition einer spezialisierten Metaobjektklasse für parallele Instanzenver­waltung, Sprachen für KI-Anwendungen, Konzepte - Methoden - Implementie­rungen, H. Boley, U. Furbach, W.-M. Lippe (Hrsg.), Universität Münster, Tech. Rep. No 12/92-I, 1992, 75-83.

L. Hotz. Metaobjektprotokolle, KI-Lexikon. KI-Zeitung 8(4), 1994, 35-36.

L. Hotz and G. Kamp. Programming the Connection Machine by using the Metaob­ject Protocol. Parallel Computing, Trends and Applications, North Holland, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1994.

L. Hotz. Softwaretechnische Aspekte von KONWERK. In Wissensbasiertes Konfigu­rieren, A. Günter (Hrsg.), Infix-Verlag, 1995, 255-266.

L. Hotz. Frame-basierte Wissensrepräsentation. KI-Zeitung 23(2), 2009, 60-61.

C. Betz, L. Hotz. Verwendung von Lisp in KI-Projekten. KI-Zeitung 26(1), 2012, 69-74.

Topic: Machine Learning

Julia Christina Markert, Matthias Kerzel, Michael Variola, Dominik Saubke, Stephanie von Riegen, Emad Aghajanzadeh, Lothar Hotz and Pascal Krenz. Processing Product, Production and Producer Information for Operations Planning and Scheduling Using Clip for Multimodal Image and Text Data. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2023

Matthias Kerzel, Julia Christina Markert,, Emad Aghajanzadeh, Stephanie von Riegen, Lothar Hotz and Pascal Krenz. Acquisition and Formalization of Tacit Knowledge for Value Chain Generation in Local Production Networks. The 12th International Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems, PAIS 2023, Krakow, Poland, 2023

Julia Christina Markert, Matthias Kerzel, Michael Variola, Dominik Saubke, Stephanie von Riegen, Lothar Hotz and Pascal Krenz. Enhancing Operations Planning and Scheduling in Dynamic Production Systems by Using CLIP. APMS 2023, IFIP International Conference, Advances in Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures. 2023.

J. Markert, D. Saubke, P. Krenz, L. Hotz Cross-Company Routing Planning: Determining Value Chains In A Dynamic Production Network Through A Decentralized Approach. In: Herberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics: CPSL 2022. Hannover : publish-Ing., 2022, S. 277-286.

Further Publikations

R. Möller and L. Hotz. Suchalgorithmen und Interaktionstechniken für Fahrplan-Informationssysteme. Technical Report Bericht Nr. LKI-M-91/3, Labor für Künstliche Intelligenz, 1991.

M. Haringer, L. Hotz, and V. Kamp. Two Stage Knowledge Discovery for Spatio-temporal Radio-emission Data. Proceedings of 5th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS08), Patras, 2008, 673-677.

L. Hotz. 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2000). KI 14(4), 2000, 73.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, L. Braubach, A. Pokahr, and T. Schwinghammer. Monitoring BPMN-Processes with Rules in Distributed Environment. In Proceedings of the RuleML2012@ECAI Challenge, at the 6th International Symposium on Rules Montpellier, Edited by Hassan Aït-Kaci, Yuh-Jong Hu, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Monica Palmirani, Dumitru Roman, France, August 27th-29th, 2012, 117-124.

L. Hotz, D. Cristea, J. Pietrzak, M. Povazay, B. Rauter, and D. Buleandra. DAICA - Digital Assistant Investigating Cultural Assets. In: Thakker, Dhavalkumar; Schwabe, Daniel; Kozaki, Kouji; Garcia, Roberto; Brambilla, Marco; Dimitrova, Vania (eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD 2015), CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-1472, Bethlehem, USA, 2015.

R. Herzog, L. Hotz, B. Kulas, B. Neumann, and S. Weichler. Recognition of Cyber Attacks Using Strategic Threat Models, ARGUS Projektbericht. Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V. 2018, Hamburg, Germany

S. von Riegen, B. Neumann, Y. D. Pham, L. Hotz, S. Basavaraju: OpenData meets KI, Abschlussbericht. Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V. 2018, Hamburg, Germany. 

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, and R. Herzog. Hamburger Informatik Technology Center e.V. – Technology Transfer at the Department of Informatics of the University of Hamburg. Software Engineering 2020, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Michael Felderer, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Rick Rabiser, Reiner Jung (eds.). Innsbruck, Austria, 2020, 229-231.

L. Hotz. About Art and Artificial Intelligence - Thoughts initiated by works of Merle Richter und Laura Sigrüner (in German: Über Kunst und Künstliche Intelligenz – Gedanken initiiert durch Arbeiten von Merle Richter und Laura Sigrüner). To appear with Prof. Dr. Regula Valérie Burri, HCU Hamburg. 2022, 1-8.

L. Hotz, S. von Riegen, and R. Herzog. What is Computer Vision and can AI Systems See? (in German, Was ist Bildverarbeitung und können KI-Systeme sehen?). In: Wie Künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben prägt - KI leicht verständlich erklärt, Hrsg. M. Dahm, Haufe-Verlag, Hamburg, 2022, to appear.