Linkage Sessions

IIP-2002 offers the unique opportunity to obtain in-depth information about important topics through the combined perspectives of several disciplines. In five linkage sessions invited speakers present overviews with the purpose to cross-fertilize research and further the integration of related approaches.

Linkage Session "Autonomous Agents - Control and Security"
Autonomous software agents provide a fascinating metaphore for complex software systems in a networked society. Leading researchers from three different IT communities will give a comprehensive overview of foundations, societal aspects and contributions from Artificial Intelligence.
Invited speaker: Nick Jennings, Univ. of Southampton, UK
"Agent Based Computing"

Linkage Session "Innovative Software Architecting with and for Intelligent Information Systems"
The challenges of our information age call for advanced software architectures for intelligent information systems, and for applying intelligent information technology to the design and maintenance of software architecture.  Leading researchers from two different communities will present novel software architectures for knowledge-based systems and intelligent information systems, new approaches to designing these complex systems, and applications of intelligent information processing to software architecting.
Invited speaker: Enrico Motta, Open University, UK
"Architectures and Solutions for the Knowledge Web"

Linkage Session "Semantic Web"
Web semantics is a key technology for providing truly meaningful web information for important web services, including corporate knowledge management, e-commerce and intelligent archiving. Recent progress has resulted from contributions of different IT areas, merging technologies developed in separate communities. In this session leading researchers from Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence will present new developments and successful examples.
Invited speaker: James Hendler, University of Maryland, USA
"The Semantic Web"

Linkage Session "Personalized Web Interaction"
As the Web has grown into an important medium for services to the community, the need to adapt Web services to individual users has become apparent. Leading researchers from two different IT communities (Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction) will present new approaches and successful examples.
Invited speaker: Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI, Germany

Linkage Session "Web-based Learning"
One of the major challenges on the way to the information age is to create tele-learning environments based on the web. To meet this challenge, competence and innovations in several IT areas have to be brought together. In this session, leading researchers from three different communities (SoftwareEngineering, Education and Artificial Intelligence) will present the state-of-the-art in web-based learning.
Invited speaker: Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover, Germany
"Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer Technologies for Distributed Learning Repositories"