Submission of Papers

Research papers with previously unpublished work and application papers describing real-life applications are solicited for all topics pertaining to

Knowledge-based System Architectures Intelligent Information Management
-  knowledge-based design methodologies -   web-based information services
knowledge acquisition corporate knowledge management
use of ontologies data-mining
heterogeneous knowledge bases web semantics
enterprise modelling multimedia data indexing
component reuse adaptive information presentation
generic problem-solving methods web-based learning

All contributed papers will be reviewed by the IIP-2002 Program Committee.
Program Co-Chairs: Mark Musen, USA, and Rudi Studer, Germany

Application paper sessions will also be part of the Industry Track of WCC2002.

Submission Deadline: January 28, 2002
(This is the valid deadline for IIP-2002 submissions, different from the general deadline of WCC2002)

Submission Guidelines:
1. Please submit your paper following the submission guidelines of WCC2002
Note that IIP-2002 is a "stream" within WCC2002.
2. Please observe the following additional rules for IIP-2002:
    -  The page limit for contributed papers is 12 pages
    -  Indicate whether your contribution is a research paper or an application paper
3. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 28, 2002.
4. Final versions of accepted papers are due April 15, 2002.