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ACHTUNG: [was: Latest Network Security Pack]


der eine oder andere hat vielleicht die folgende Mail bekommen:

--- snip ---
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 16:24:55 -0400 (EDT)
FROM: "Microsoft Corporation Internet Security Department" <fkmbtzjhbdotujcisp@wpfkameq.net>
TO: "Microsoft Customer" <>
SUBJECT: Latest Network Security Pack

Microsoft Customer

this is the latest version of security update, the
"July 2003, Cumulative Patch" update which eliminates all
known security vulnerabilities affecting Internet Explorer,
Outlook and Outlook Express as well as five newly discovered
vulnerabilities. Install now to protect your computer from these
vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow an attacker to
run executable on your system. This update includes the functionality
of all previously released patches.

--- snip ---

Ich wei"s es zwar nicht sicher, aber die Absender Mail-Adresse l"a"st
mich vermuten, da"s es _keine_ gute Idee sein kann, das angeh"angte
*.exe File tats"achlich auszuf"uhren.  Ich w"urde erst einmal von
einem Virus / Trojaner / Hoax ausgehen und mit Patches auf jeden Fall
_nur_ direkt von MS holen.

Sch"ones Wochenende

 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
| ' </ _ \/ _` (_-<  phone:    +49 (0)40 42883-2576      Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
|_|\_\___/\__, /__/  fax  :    +49 (0)40 42883-2572             D-22527 Hamburg
          |___/ http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~utcke/home.html