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RE: establishing new lists for Sharp 3k and Poquet PC.

I used to get Brian Mason's Poqet list and, like Tamas, I also subscribe to
the HPLX list. (I have a PQ181 and an HP 95LX.) I think that reviving a
separate Poqet list is a good idea. 

While there are a number of general DOS posts on HPLX, much of what gets
posted there is specific to the HP hardware, such as how to use the IR port,
or using PCMCIA modems and network cards. Further, many of the programs in
the HPLX SUPER software site are HP specific, in that they use the HP SysMgr
function or special HP video routines (although there are two DOS emulators
for the HP palmtop). For someone with only a Poqet, much of the HPLX traffic
would be of little interest. Further, there is nothing to prevent someone
from subscribing to that list if they want to receive it.

It would be useful to have a Poqet-specific list, where one can ask specific
questions or pass on specific information, even if the traffic might be low.

Bob Feldman

-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Utcke [mailto:utcke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 10:43 AM
To: poqetpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Cc: MCHEM1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: establishing new lists for Sharp 3k and Poquet PC.

Hello all,

> From: "Tamas Feher" <etomcat@xxxxxxxxxxx>

commented (and I'm also sending a copy to the hplx-l maintainer):

> I wonder if it is a wise idea to start up these lists again. I mean
> most probably you will not be able gather the critical mass of
> readers to keep the flow of mail afloat.

Yes, I can see that this might be a problem.  On the other hand, it
also means that subscription to either list would not place undue
demands on ones time.  Still, one or two mails a day wouldn't be too

Currently (after only 3 days) we have (only)

poqetpc    25
sharp-pc3k 13

subscriptions, which, admittedly, isn't that much :-(

> I do think the best option would be to join the vivid HPLX-L list, 
> which deals with the H-P 200LX palmtop. Nowadays, the focus of 
> the list is about using non built-in (stock DOS) or custom written 
> software and the in-ROM PIM is getting less and less important. 
> Therefore the difference between 200LX, 3K, Poquet is shrinking, 
> they are just XT DOS machines with CGA and PCMCIA.
> Or at least a "gateway" solution between the list, so questions and 
> answers generic enough could pop up on both forums and help 
> gradually integrate the different DOS palmtop platform sects.

But of course, once such a gateway exist and all subscribers to all
lists see the same mails, one could just as well have subscribed to
only one of the lists (most likely HPLX-L).  At least I don't see any
way to have a gateway that would weed out machine-specific stuff
automatically --- which is a shame, since I did like the idea of a
gatewa originally --- before I started thinking about it some more.

Anyway, in case that people on this lists think that a subscription to
HPLX might be a good idea, here's the page:


And here's how to subscribe:

Please send commands to LISTSERV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

* to SUBSCRIBE send the command    SUB HPLX-L firstname lastname 
* to UNSUBSCRIBE send the command  SIGNOFF HPLX-L 

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