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RE: Serial connector

I don't have my Poqet with me to measure the expansion bus, but the Poqet
manual on Brian's site lists the contact spacing as 0.5 mil. The full width
of the 40-contact wide connector is about 3 inches. Since the part needed
for the serial port also has the key slot, you don't need the full width,
only the active contacts, and only on one side of the board.

I made the connector for the PQ-0181, but I think it should also work on the
Classic. It will not work on the Plus, as it has a different expansion bus.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Utcke [mailto:utcke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 8:56 AM
To: poqetpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Serial connector


Robert Feldman has mailed me the schematics for a do-it-yourself
serial connector for the poqet-pc, to be printed at an unknown
resolution (300DPI?  That would yield a connector approx. 1" (2.5cm)
wide.  Is this correct?  I do not have the Poqet handy --- and mine
came with a serial connector anyway).  The bitmap can be found at:


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