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RE: Serial connector

I just pulled up my original AutoCAD drawing, from whic I generated the
bitmap. The contact spacing is 0.050 inch, or 50 mils. The whole connector
is 2 inches wide.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Utcke [mailto:utcke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:23 AM
To: Robert_Feldman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: poqetpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Serial connector

Robert just mailed me:

> I don't have my Poqet with me to measure the expansion bus, but the
> Poqet manual on Brian's site lists the contact spacing as 0.5 mil.

Sure?  That's awfully small!

> The full width of the 40-contact wide connector is about 3 inches.

This would suggest a resolution of 100DPI.  The contact-spacing of the
layout then becomes approx. 0.5mm = 20mil.

Another usefull hint:

> Since the part needed for the serial port also has the key slot, you
> don't need the full width, only the active contacts, and only on one
> side of the board.
> I made the connector for the PQ-0181, but I think it should also
> work on the Classic. It will not work on the Plus, as it has a
> different expansion bus.

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