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poqet list

> From: Blair Goodlin
> I found a post of yours from back in April about
> resurrecting the Poqet-PC mailing list.  If you've
> done it, 

Yes, but...

> I'd like to join.  

I added you to it.

> Have you had enough interest?

...there are currently 30 people subscribed.  The list, as a medium
for discussion, is effectively dead, but might still be usefull as a
resource for information (I posted a question about a newly required
PoqetPad Plus a few days ago --- in particular I am in need of a
manual --- and got three useful replies).  I agreed with Brian Mason
to merge this list back with his list once he got it going again, but
no trace of that so far...

 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
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