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Re: FW: eBay Notice: Megahertz 14.4Kbps XJACK Modem - Cheap!

Hello Robert,

> > Here's a heads up on some cheap modems (model #XJ1144). I just bought one
> > using "Buy It Now" for a total of $5.50 including S&H.
> > 
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1305445926

> I'm not sure if this is one of the specific models that will work in the
> Poqet Plus (Al Wong's web site with pictures of the modems that work seems
> to be gone), but the price is right!

Well, there is a site at 
which says: 

      I have discovered only a few variations of the Megahertz XJ1144
      modem and the AT&T Paradyne "KeepInTouch" modem will work on the
      PC Plus.

so this looks reasonable (although I have no clue how an xjack could
even only fit into the poqet plus...).

Ok, here ist is:


But, alas, Whether this will work or not can only be determined from
the backside (which apparently is not visible on ebay).  Sigh!  Maybe
someone should mail this guy and try to find out...

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