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poqet pc for donation?

some weeks back i got in touch with the computer history
museum (http://www.computerhistory.org) in mountain view,
california, to see if they would be interested in a donation
of my poqet pc classic.  due to an email mixup, i didn't get
a response from the museum in time, and proceeded to offer
my poqet for sale on this list.  unfortunately for the
museum, it sold relatively quickly.  :-)

so, since i feel a bit bad about the mixup, i'll suggest
here that if anyone has a poqet pc gathering dust, and would
like to contribute it to a good cause, you might consider
getting in touch with chris garcia and discuss it.  his email
address is garcia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  (i'd guess he might
be interested in other similar stuff as well -- an inventory
of their current collection is available at their website.)

if nothing else, you should take a look at some of the
pictures from their collection that they have online.  good

p.s.  i believe that this museum in mountain view is
heir to the collection of computing "artifacts" that were on
display at the boston computer museum until it closed a few
years ago.

 paul fox, pgf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (arlington, ma, where it's 37.0 degrees)