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Re: subscribe? solve SRAM in W2K problem?

Hello Daryl,

> I was told that this is a Poqet discussion group, can
> I join? 

Sure, you are welcome --- although subscription (and unsubscription)
requests would be best directed at

As in the case of the pc3k you will find this a quite group (currently
34 subscriptions) and might be best served by asking specific
questions instead of lurking.

> I own several Poqets, and use a Classic.  I would use
> it more if I could figure out how to get my Windows
> 2000 notebook computers to recognise the Poqet SRAM
> cards, to copy files quicker.

I can't help you with Win2k, but Windows 95 used is able to recognize,
read, and write these cards out of the box, and so is DOS.

Hmm --- come to think about it, maybe this was really a service
provided by DOS to Win9x?  In that case it just might be gone with the
advent of Win2k...  Did you ask Microsoft, or had a look at the
knowledge base?

BTW, I still haven't been able to get Linux to read SRAM-cards --- it
does recognize them alright, but it seems that whatever filesystem is
used by these cards is not recognized by Linux.  Shame.

CF-cards, on the other hand, work nicely with Linux too, see
(further down).  Hmm.  But does the Classic read CF?

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