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That said, no, I never tried any stacker on the pc3k yet.  I once used
stacker on the Olivetti Quaderno, but don't remember where I got that
version from (presumably it came with some version of DOS I might have
had flying around).

However, SCREATE.SYS says:

Used in config.sys or command line to init disk drives for use by Stacker.
If one does not exist, an empty STACVOL file is created for each argument.
These STACVOL files are then immediately available for use by Stacker.
Usage:          device=stacvol.com d:[filename.ext][/s=nnn.n][/c=nnn] ...
   or:          C>stacvol d:[filename.ext][/s=nnn.n][/c=nnn] ...
d:              DOS drive to hold created STACVOL file.
[filename.ext]  STACVOL file name.  STACVOL.DSK is used as the default.
[/s=nnn.n]      Max physical STACVOL size in meg.  Default= all freespace.
[/c=nn]         DOS cluster size in K bytes.  Default is 8.

So my guess would be that this is the driver you need, and that it
goes into config.sys...

> One of the three files on your drive 

As I said, not on my drive at all (but maybe I should make a copy,
just in case...).

> So do you use or own Stacker2 and could you forward me a copy of this
> abandonware with a copy of it's ever so important manual (for fine tuning?)
> If you don't then I will make my request on the list 

I think this would be the way to go.

> or from the person who donated the software if you still have the
> email address.

No idea who that was, but there is (used to be?) a Gerard van Draanen
on the list...

> Incidently, my web search last night for an abandonware version of
> Stacker2 gave me very little results -almost none -for *any* version
> of Stacker.  It is truly becoming a rare software.

I thought Mark Gardiner had one on his homepage
(http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Strand/3387/home.html), but
aparently not.  Still, he's on the list too...

> However, there is one interesting link via www.driverguide.com .
> The search for Stacker led me to a version made for PC Cards,
> version 3.!!  I'll post this interesting point after your reply.

Please do.

> Thanks Sven.  (If you recall, I was the one who forwarded a copy of
> the manual for the PoqetPad.)

Yes, thank you very much again.  I'm sure this will be most helpful
for (to?) many newbies.

Thanks, and sorry I can't be of more help (but I'm sure some people on
the list can, or you could try the hplx list, which, alas, is rather
high volume).

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