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RE: Poqet User Guide


I ftp'd the PoqetPadPlus.pdf manual to your site last night. Please let
me lknow if it was successful. It should be 15,931kb in size. While
working on the OCR project, I discovered that if you save the pdf file
as a postscript file and then redistill it under Acrobat distiller the
file was reduced from 203,000kb to the 15,931kb. Amazing.



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-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Utcke [mailto:utcke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: May 5, 2003 8:45 AM
To: John O'Neal
Subject: Re: Poqet User Guide

Hello John,

> I have been working on the OCR solution. However, It is taking a lot 
> of cleanup work with the graphics and the formatting. I should have it

> complete by the end of this week and will again try to FTP the result 
> to your server.

Great, thanks!  I really appreciate all the work you're pouring into

> It would be possible to quickly split it into chapters, but they would

> still be very large and not an optimum solution.

True.  Better than nothing, though, but I guess one week more wouls
hardly count...

Thanks again

 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of
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