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Re: Poqet SRAM in W2K and XP


A year ago, perhaps, some on the list responded with
suggestions on how to get my Win2K notebook to
recognise and read my Poqet SRAM cards.  Nothing has
worked, sadly, which makes my collection of Poqets a
lot less useful as notetakers, to transfer file to my
notebook database and vice versa (LIST.com works great
for searching a directory, list *.txt/F keywords).  I
seldom get around to hooking up my floppy drive for
transfer, the cards are much faster.  Is anyone out
there actually able to pop your SRAM card from your
Classic or Prime right into your Win2k or XP notebook
and transfer files?  If so, how the @#$% did you do
it?  How are your cards formatted, what hoops do you
go through in Win2K?  Did you put a magic line in the
config.nt file or something? 

If not, does the serial transfer software work with
W2K and XP (I've never used that method though I have
the cable)?  

On another topic, over the years I've assembled a nice
little collection of games that work well on the
Classic, including FreeCell, Wall, Dots, a Tetris
clone, a chess game, etc.  What I really miss is some
kind of word game that works, anybody know of one?



--- Sven Utcke <utcke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi everybody,
> several of you were interested in the User Guide for
> the
> PoqetPadPlus.  Bill Moy was so good to photocopy his
> version (several
> times) and to send it to all interested --- big
> cheers to Bill for
> that!  John O'Neal than scanned in his copy, and
> after a lot of
> problems with ftp this is now available as a 16MB
> File at
> Happy downloading
> Sven
> -- 
>  _  __                     The Cognitive Systems
> Group
> | |/ /___  __ _ ___                                 
>      University of Hamburg
> | ' </ _ \/ _` (_-<  phone:    +49 (0)40 42883-2576 
>     Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
> |_|\_\___/\__, /__/  fax  :    +49 (0)40 42883-2572 
>            D-22527 Hamburg
>           |___/

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