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Re[2]: Booting other OS

Hi Adam,

Monday, February 07, 2000, 9:31:15 PM, you wrote:

AR> Hi, Radek.  You mean I'm one of the only ones who has the wonderful Sharp
AR> service manual for this thing?  If it would help, I'd be happy to scan or
AR> photocopy what you need.  It's a wonderfully detailed manual.  It should
AR> probably be on the FTP for everyone to use (if it ever works).  I doubt
AR> Sharp would care.

I will greatly appreciate if you can scan necessary pages. How many
pages are electrical schematics/how many can you scan?
Also I can give you a fax number which should be free of charge for
you, but scannig it and sharing to all PC3k users is the best idea.

If there is too much pages to scan, especially I'm interesting in the
circuity around ISA(like) connector, DMA,IRQ controllers and CPU.

Are there any other details about the ISA-like connector?

AR> BTW, what connector did you use to experiment with the ISA port?  Is the
AR> proper connector available anywhere (or still manufactured)?  I was thinking
AR> of doing some experiments myself.

The connector is My home production. As well as serial and paralel. In
fact I never tried to get them from shops. Because there are probably
only few pieces of this palmtop in Czech republic.

AR> Also, I forgot what the email address for the entire mailing list is,
AR> otherwise I would have sent this to everyone.  Can you tell me what it is?


 I put CC to the mailing list for this e-mail.

AR> Finally, has anyone ever tried to pop in a 200LX rom in the PC3K?  I don't
AR> know anything about the 200, but I'm thinking that just maybe it would work
AR> if the 200 has seperate roms for bios and OS/applications like the PC3K
AR> does.  Even though the apps might not work, it might be a way to get a
AR> better dos in there.  I have a feeling that there's nothing too wierd about
AR> the PC3K bios, so if a new rom-disk was put in, the OS might work.  Do you
AR> know anything about the romable dos's that are out there?  Maybe that's
AR> something for us to look into.  It wouldn't be hard to stick a new chip in
AR> there if it would solve all of these OS problems.

Good idea with 200 LX. If there is anybody having contact to a person
having 200 LX please ask if he knows details. At least to make a
bootable SRAM with 5.0

Do I remeber well that there is a 27C810 EEPROM in PC3k? (Probably not,
but there is something like this.)
