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Re: Scary looking hardware mod to V20?

> While poking around with the Altavista search engine, I found this
> web site:
> http://www.fastnet.ne.jp/~tosihara/smocom/pc3kaizo.htm
> I went to http://babelfish.altavista.com and plugged in the URL and
> selected Japanese -> English.
> It looks like a page with an experimental modification to replace
> the 80C88 with a V20 chip.  The very thought of having to build up
> the little nestlike cluster of jumper wires to bridge to the new CPU
> looks downright scary.  This hobbyist must have the steady hands of
> a surgeon...

Indeed --- not something I would attempt.  However, what I didn't get
from the somewhat amusing translation was _why_ he attempted the
conversion.  To me, the potential gain seems marginal, yet the
potential risk considerable...

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