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Re: [list-administration] Reply-To now works

Hello all,

I would like to ask you all for a favour (see below).

It seems there's still a wee problem with the reply-to, as Rolf
Winterscheidt just wrote me:

> > BTW, I hope you did on purpose send this mail to me only --- or
> > did my reply-setup fail?

> Hmm, just hit reply. Thought it would be spread to the list (should
> be also a test for this).

But it didn't.  On the other hand, it does work for my mailer (mutt).
So here's the favour I would like to ask: could you all just reply to
this mail, and either tell me (privately) whether the reply would have
gone to the list or to me (and what mailer you are using), or simply
send the mail so that I can see with what mailers it does (or does
not) work?


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| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
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