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Re: [Poqetpc] Poqetpc question

Hello Terry,

> The Poqet "sees" it's slots as drives, so there should be no reason for it
> not to see drives (cards) larger than 520Mb.  

Well, lots of old computers had this problem, a limitation of the
BIOS, or, more to the point, the traditional Cylinders/Heads/Sectors
triple used to encode the size.  Heck, the 486 my mom uses for surfing
the net still had this problem(*).

> The Classic & Prime will see 2Mb cards and the Plus will go up to at
> least 4Mb.

I've, for a long time, been using 32MB in the Plus without problems.
A 64MB Sandisk CF card I bought some time ago can, surprisingly, not
be used (even more surprisingly it _can_ be used in the Sharp PC3100,
iff I create a first partition with at most 32MB, as that machine uses
DOS 3.3).  I do have a 1GB lying around somewhere (originally intended
for an IBM PC110), so in theory I could try that.  Hmm.  Maybe iff I'm
getting bored enough tonight...


(*) It's actually more hideous than that.  It will only boot if
    a) The disk was correctly specified in Setup
    b) The disk is <= 512MB
    This means that I can not even use Linux to access a bigger drive,
    as is possible with all other computers I've ever seen.  Painful!
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