Projects and Themes I’m in
AuRo: Autonomer Rollstuhl mit Rangier- und Navigationsasisstenz auf Basis von Robotikforschung
KIMM: KI-gestützte Modernisierung an Mietwohnungsbaubeständen
IntelMOD: Intelligente Modernisierungsplattform auf Basis des Funktio- nalen Kostensplittings
KIOptiPack: Ganzheitliche KI-basierte Optimierung von Kunststoff- verpackungen mit Rezyklatanteil
AKIDU: Automatische, durch KI-integrierte Disposition für Universalterminals
EDIH: European Digital Innovation Hub
ARIC: Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg e.V
International Configuration Workshop 2019
ADAM: Adaptive Autonomous Machines (national project)
CEO at Hamburger Informatik Technology-Center e.V.
ODAKI: Open Data and Artificial Intelligence (national project)
ARGUS: Cybersecurity for SMEs (national project)
eFoto: Providing Hamburg Photographies to the Public (national project)
Transparency Portal for Hamburg (national project)
Configuration Book (major publication)
HWD - Hamburg Digital Knowledge (up to 2014, national project)
eTRIMS – E-Training for Interpreting Images of Man-Made Scenes (up to 2009, FP6 EU Project)
ReDSeeDS – Requirements-Driven Software-Development System (up to 2009, FP6 EU Project)
ConIPF – Configuration in Industrial Product Families (up to 2006, FP5 EU Project)
COGVIS – Cognitive Vision (up to 2003, FP5 EU project)
INDIA Intelligent Diagnosis for Industrial Applications (up to 2000, national project)
The book: INDIA - Intelligente Diagnose in der Anwendung/Intelligent Diagnosis for Industrial Applications Lothar Hotz, Peter Struss,Thomas Guckenbiehl (Hrsg.)Shaker Verlag, 2000 can be obtained here
INDIA Final Report as a zip with six postscript files: INDIA Final Report
Schul Support Service (3S) (national project)
Frame-based Knowledge Representation (Thesis in German)
PROKON – Knowledge-based Configuration (ended 1995, national project)
GEOFOX – Public Transport Scheduler (ended 1993, national project)
NetCLOS – Common Lisp Object System for the Net
A NetCLOS Paper:
Hotz, Lothar; Trowe, Michael: A NetCLOS Paper: Hotz, Lothar; Trowe, Michael: NetCLOS and Parallel Abstractions – Actor and Structure-Oriented Programming on Workstation Clusters with Common Lisp. In Proc. ELUGM ‘99, European Lisp Users Group Meeting, Amsterdam, 1999 NetCLOS and Parallel Abstractions -
For more NetCLOS papers search here for NetCLOS and Metaobject Protocol