
Competence Center at the Faculty of Informatics, Hamburg University

Recent Publications




Y. v. Collani, J. Zhang. Repräsentation und Generalisierung von diskreten Montageabläufen. Robotik 2004, pages 665-672, Munich, June 2004.M. Daum, K. Foth, W. Menzel. Automatic transformation of phrase treebanks to dependency trees. In Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.

C. Eschenbach: How to interweave knowledge about object structure and concepts. In D. Dubois, C. Welty, M.-A. Williams (eds.) Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Proc of the Ninth Int. Conf. (KR2004) (pp. 300–309). AAAI Press: Menlo Park, CA, 2004.

K. Foth, M. Daum, W. Menzel. Interactive grammar development with WCDG. In Proc. of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Interactive Posters and Demonstrations, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.

K. Foth, W. Menzel, I. Schröder. Robust Parsing with Weighted Constraints. To appear in Natural Language Engineering, 2004.

W. Menzel. Errors, Intentions, and Explanations: Feedback Generation for Language Tutoring Systems. In Proceedings International Conference InSTIL/ICALL-2004, Venice, Italy, 2004.

K. Foth, M. Daum, W. Menzel. A broad-coverage parser for German based on defeasible constraints. To appear in Proc. 7. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache, Wien, 2004.

M. Guhe, Ch. Habel & L. Tschander (2004). Incremental generation of interconnected preverbal messages. In T. Pechmann & C. Habel (eds.), Multidisciplinary approaches to language production. (pp. 7–52). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Ch. Habel (2004). Verbs and directions. In Laura A Carlson & Emile van der Zee (eds.). Functional and Spatial Features in Language and Space. (pp. 93–112). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ch. Habel & M. Knees (2004). On Generating Verbal Descriptions of Temporal Succession. In Proc. of KONVENS 2004, Wien.

F. Jing, B. Zhang, M. Li, H. Zhang, and J. Zhang. Learning in hidden annotation-based image retrieval. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 2004 (to appear).

J. Li, J. Zhang, B. Zhang, F. Lin. Improvements to Bennett's Nearest Point Algorithm for Support Vector Machines. In: Fuliang Yin, et al (Eds): Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium Neural Networks. Springer, 2004.

P. Monachesi, C. Vertan, W. v.Hahn, S. Jekat (eds.): Language Resources: Integration & Development in eLearning and Teaching computaional Linguistics, Proc. of LREC Workshop 2004.

B. Neumann, R. Möller: On Scene Interpretation with Description Logics. FBI-HH-B-257/04, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2004. Also to appear in: Cognitive Vision Systems, H.-H. Nagel, H. Christensen, (eds.), Springer.

T. Pechmann & Ch. Habel (eds.) (2004). Multidisciplinary approaches to language production. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

C. Rotaru, Th. Graf. and J. Zhang. Extracting road features from color images using a cognitive approach. In Intelligent Vehicles, 2004.

F. Schilder, Y. Versley & Ch. Habel (2004). Extracting spatial information: grounding, classifying and linking spatial expressions. 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, Sheffield, UK. July 25 – 29, 2004. Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval.

D. Westhoff, T. Scherer, H. Stanik, J. Zhang and A. Knoll. A flexible framework for task-level programming of service robots. Robotik 2004, pages 737-744, Munich, June 2004.

J. Zhang and B. Rössler. Self-valuing learning and generalization with application in visually guided grasping of complex objects. In Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 47(2-3):117-127, Juni 2004.

H. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Wang, G. Zong, Design of a Pneumatic Glass Wall Cleaning Robot for High-Rise Buildings, Proceedings of the ASER 04 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics, Stuttgart, Germany, May 21, pp.21-26, 2004.

H. Zhang, J. Zhang, R. Liu, W. Wang, G. Zong. A Novel Approach to Pneumatic Position Servo Control of a Glass Wall Cleaning Robot , 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2004, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 28-Oct.2, 2004.



Blaurock, O.: C-model integration and software development using system-level simulation at TLM in a SystemC-based design flow, FDL 2003, Frankfurt (M), September 23-26, 716ff

Daum, M.; Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, W.: Constraint Based Integration of Deep and Shallow Parsing Techniques. Proc. 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL 2003, Budapest p. 99-106.

Eschenbach, C. : Contextual, functional, and geometric features and projective terms. In L. Carlson & E. van der Zee (eds.) Functional and Spatial Features in Language and Space. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Foth, K.; Menzel, W.; Schröder, I.: Robust Parsing with Weighted Constraints. to appear in    Natural Language Engineering.

Foth, K.; Menzel, W.: Subtree Parsing to Speed up Deep Analysis. Proc. 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies, IWPT 2003.

Foth, K.; Menzel, W.: Subtree Parsing to Speed up Deep Analysis. In Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Parsing Technologies, IWPT-2003, 2003, p. 91-103.

Gavrila, M.: A Software Tool for Lexical Aquisition  - Specification and Implementation - Graduation thesis at Bucharest University (Betreuung: Walther v. Hahn und Cristina Vertan). Zusammenfassung in  Proceedings of the EUROLAN 2003 Workshop "Applied Natural Language Processing - possible applications for the Semantic Web- FBI-HH-B-254/03,  27 – 32

Gius, E.: Vergleich maschinenlesbarer deutscher Lexika nach linguistischem Inhalt, Wertebereichen und Kodifizierung, Magisterarbeit, Universität Hamburg, August 2003

Günter, A.; Kruse, R.;  Neumann, B.(Hrsg.): KI2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Proc. 26th Annual German Conference on AI, Springer LNAI 2821, 2003.

Guhe, M. (2003). Incremental Preverbal Messages. In: Holden Härtl & Heike Tappe (Hrsg.) Mediating between Concepts and Language – Processing Structures. Berlin: DeGruyter.

Guhe, M. (2003). INC – A model of the conceptualiser. In: Franz Schmalhofer, Richard M. Young, & Graham Katz (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the EuroCogSci 2003, Osnabrück.

Guhe, M., Habel, Ch. & Tschander, L.B. (2003). Describing motion events: Incremental representations for incremental processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-5), January 15-17, 2003, Tilburg, The Netherlands. (pp. 410–424).

Guhe, M., Habel, Ch. & Tschander, L.B. (2003). Incremental production of preverbal messages with inC. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling: April  2003, Universität Bamberg. 123–128.

Guhe, M., Habel, Ch. & Tschander, L. B. (in print). Incremental generation of interconnected preverbal messages. In: Thomas Pechmann & Christpher Habel (eds.), Multidisciplinary approaches to language production, Berlin: De Gruyter.

Habel, Ch. (2003). Representational commitment in maps. In Matt Duckham, Michael F. Goodchild & Michael F. Worboys (eds.), Foundations of Geographic Information Science. (pp. 69–93). London: Taylor & Francis.

Habel, Ch. (2003). Incremental generation of multimodal route instructions. In Natural Language Generation in Spoken and Written Dialogue. Papers from the  2003 AAAI Spring Symposium TR SS-03-06, (Stanford, CA. March 2003). 44–51.

Habel, Ch. (2003). Towards the Generation of Multimodal Route Instructions. In P. Paggio, K. Jokinen & A. Jönsson (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication. (pp. 67–78). Center for Sprogteknologi, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Habel, Ch. (2003). Verbs and directions. In Carlson, Laura & Emile van der Zee (eds.). Functional and Spatial Features in Language and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

v.Hahn, W.: Knowledge Representation in Machine Translation. In Proc. of EU Conference „Knowledge in Text and Translation". Aarhus 2003. S. 37 - 51.

v.Hahn, W; Vertan, C. (Eds.): Applied Natural Language Processing - Possible Applications for the Semantic Web. EUROLAN 2003 Student Workshop Proceedings. Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik. Bericht 254. 54 S.

Hotz, L,; Krebs, T.; Günter, A.: A Knowledge-based Product Derivation Process and some Ideas how to Integrate Product Development (position paper), Workshop on Software Variability Management,  Groningen, The Netherlands), February 13-14, 2003.

Hotz, L.; Krebs, T.: Configuration - State of the Art and New Challenges, 17. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen  (PuK 2003), Hamburg, Germany, September 15-16, 2003.

Hotz, L.; Krebs, T.: Supporting the Product Derivation Process with a Knowledge-based Approach, Software Variability Management Workshop at ICSE 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA, May 3, 2003.

Klippel, A., Tappe, H., & Habel, Ch. (2003). Pictorial representations of routes: Chunking route segments during comprehension. In Christian Freksa, Wilfried Brauer, Christopher Habel & Karl Wender (eds.), Spatial Cognition III. (pp. 11–33). Berlin: Springer.

Köthe, U.; Stelldinger, P.: Shape Preserving Digitization of Ideal and Blurred Binary Images, in: I. Nyström, G. Sanniti di Baja, S. Svennson (eds.), Proc. of 11th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2886, pp. 82-91, Heidelberg: Springer, 2003

Köthe, U.: Integrated Edge and Junction Detection with the Boundary Tensor", in: ICCV 03, Proc. of 9th Intl. Conf. on Computer Vision, Nice 2003, vol. 1, pp. 424-431, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2003

Köthe, U.: "Edge and Junction Detection with an Improved Structure Tensor", in: B. Michaelis, G. Krell (eds.): Pattern Recognition, Proc. of 25th DAGM Symposium, Magdeburg 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2781, pp. 25-32, Heidelberg: Springer, 2003

Krebs, T.; Hotz, L.: Needed Expressiveness for Representing Features and Customer Requirements, Workshop on Modeling Variability for Object-Oriented Product Lines at ECOOP 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, July, 21, 2003.<bIW>

Krebs, T.;  Wagner, T.; Runte, W.: Recognizing User Intentions in Incremental Configuration Processes, Configuration Workshop at IJCAI 2003, Acapulco, Mexico, August 11, 2003.

Krebs, T.; Hotz, L.; Ranze, C.; Vehring, G.: Towards Evolving Configuration Models, 17. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PuK 2003), Hamburg, Germany, September 15-16, 2003

Lim, J.-Y.: Discrete Scale-Space Formulation and Multiscale Edge Extraction toward Higher Dimensions, Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, May 2003, auch erschienen im infix-Verlag, DISKI 272, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH, Berlin, 2003

Lim, J.-Y.; Stiehl, H.S.: A Generalized Discrete Scale-Space Formulation for 2-D and 3-D Signals, The 4th International Conference on Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2695, Skye/Scotland, 10.-12. June 2003

Lim, J.-Y. ; Stiehl, H. S.: Optimal Scale Selection for Circular Edge Extraction,  25. DAGM-Symposium Magdeburg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2781, 10.-12. September 2003

Mäder, A.: Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum effizienten Einsatz von VHDL in Simulation und Synthese, Dissertation, FB Informatik, Universität Hamburg (to appear).

Menzel, W.; Vertan, C.: Natural Language Processing between Linguistic Inquiry and System Engineering, Ed.Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi, Rumänien, 2003, 95 S.

Menzel, W.: Dependenzgrammatik und Semantische Netze. In V. Agel, L. M. Eichinger, H.-W. Eroms, P. Hellwig, H. J. Heringer, and H. Lobin, eds., Dependenz und Valenz - Ein Internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2003.

Milde, H.: Qualitative Analyse von Störungen in elektrischen Systemen, Dissertation, Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Februar 2003, auch erschienen im infix-Verlag, DISKI 271, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH, Berlin, 2003

Nakov, P.; Bonev, Y.; Angelova, G.; Gius, E.; v.Hahn, W.: Guessing Morphological Classes of Unknown German Nouns. In: Proceedings of RANLP2003. Borovets (Bulgaria)

Neumann, B.: Computer, die sehen und verstehen. Hamburg University, yousee Nr. 2/2003, 2003, 30-32

Neumann, B., Weiss, T.: Navigating through logic-based scene models for high-level scene interpretations, 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Systems - ICVS 2003, Springer, 2003 , 212-222

Popescu, D.; Zhang, J.: Fuzzy expert system for range estimation. Studies in Informatics and Control,  12/2, 101--109, 2003

Popescu, D.; Zhang, J.: Fuzzy expert system based on symmetry features for range estimations. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, pages 1007--1014, Catania, Italien, September 2003

Popescu, N.; Zhang, J.: Image feature extraction for a robust vision-based localization of a mobile robot. Studies in Informatics and Control, 12/2, 2003

Popescu, N.; Zhang, J.: Self-localization system based on incremental learning of an indoor environment. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, pages 991--998, Catania, Italien, September 2003

Rahn, C.D.: Laser Scanning Microscopy Flatfield Images, Part I: Characterization of Noise Properties, FBI-HH-B-255/03, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2003

Scherer, T.; Poggendorf, I.; Schneider, A.; Westhoff, D.; Zhang, J.; Lütkemeyer, D.; Lehmann, J.; Knoll, A.:   A Service Robot for Automating the Sample Management in Biotechnological Cell Cultivations. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vol. 2, S. 383-390, Lissabon, Portugal, 2003

Schilder, F. (2003). Deriving meaning from temporal expressions. In Raffaella Bernardi & Michael Moortgat, Proceedings of the Linguistic Corpora and Logic Based Grammar Formalisms workshop, page(s) 86-93. Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Schilder, F. & Habel, Ch. (2003). Temporal information extraction for temporal question answering. In New Directions in Question Answering. Papers from the  2003 AAAI Spring Symposium TR SS-03-07, (Stanford, CA. March 2003). 34–44.

Schilder, F., Habel, Ch. & Versley, Y. (2003). Temporal information extraction and question answering: deriving answers for when-questions. In R. Bernardi & M. Moortgat (eds.), Proceedings of 2nd CoLogNet-ElsNet symposium on Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. Amsterdam. http://www-uilots.let.uu.nl/~ctl/workshops/CES03/On_line_Proceedings/.

Schmidtke, H.R. (2003). A geometry for places: Representing extension and extended objects. In: Kuhn, W., M. Worboys und S. Timpf (Hrsg.): Spatial Information Theory: Foundations of Geographic Information Science, 235–252, Berlin, Springer.

Schmidtke, H.R., Tschander, L.B., Eschenbach, C. & Habel, C. (2003). Change of orientation. In van der Zee, Emile & Slack, Jon (eds.). Representing direction in language and space, 166–190, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Stelldinger, P.; Köthe, U.: Shape Preservation During Digitization: Tight Bounds Based on the Morphing Distance, in: B. Michaelis, G. Krell (eds.): Pattern Recognition, Proc. of 25th DAGM Symposium, Lecture Notes I Computer Science 2781, 108-115, Heidelberg:Springer, 2003

Tenbrink, Th. & Schilder, F. (2003). (Non-)temporal concepts conveyed by BEFORE, AFTER, and THEN in dialogue. In Perspectives on Dialogue  in the New Millennium, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Benjamins, Amsterdam, 351-378.

Tschander, L.B. (2003). Connecting Route Segments Given in Route Descriptions. In P. Blackburn, C. Ghidini, R.M. Turner & F. Giunchiglia (eds.) Modeling and Using Context, Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2003, Stanford, CA, USA, June 23-25 2003. Berlin: Springer, 517–524.

Tschander, L. B. (2003). Concepts of motion and their linguistic encoding. In H. Härtl & H. Tappe (eds.) Mediating between Concepts and Grammar. Berlin: De Gruyter, 405–433.

Tschander, L. B., Schmidtke, H. R.; Habel, Ch., Eschenbach, C. & Kulik, L. (2003). A geometric agent following route instructions. In Christian Freksa, Wilfried Brauer, Christopher Habel & Karl Wender (eds.), Spatial Cognition III, Springer, 89–111.

Utcke, S.; Zissermann, A.: Projective reconstruction of surfaces of revolution. In 25. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, Magdeburg, Sept. 2003. DAGM, Springer, 2003, 265-272.

Utcke, S.: Error-bounds on curvature estimation. In Scale Space, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK, Brritish Machine Vision Association, Springer, 2003, 657-666.

Utcke, S.: Error-bounds on curvature estimation. Bericht FBI-HH-252/03, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2003.

Utcke, S.: Comparison of different approaches for the calculation of projective symmetry or the axis of a shgc. Bericht FBI-HH-253/03, FB Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 2003.

Vertan, C. und v.Hahn, W.: Specification and Evaluation of Machine Translation Toy Systems - Criteria for Laboratory Assignment . In:  MT Summit IX Proceedings, workshop on Teaching Translation Technologies and Tools, September 2003, New Orleans, USA, 44-48

Vertan, C. und v.Hahn, W.: Menu Choice Translation - A flexible menu-based controlled natural language system. In: Proceedings of EAMT-CLAW03 „Controlled Language Translation". Dublin 2003, 194-199.

Vertan, C. Understanding texts across languages without translation, In: Proceedings of LSP'03 (Language for Special purposes conference), Guildford, August 2003, (to appear).

Vertan, C.; v. Hahn, W.: Specification and Evaluation of Machine Translation Toy Systems - Criteria for Laboratory Assignment . In:  MT Summit IX Proceedings, workshop on Teaching Translation Technologies and Tools, September 2003, New Orleans, USA, 44-48.

Vertan, C.; v. Hahn, W.: Menu-Choice Translation - A Flexible Menu-based Controlled Natural Language System, Proceedings of EAMT-CLAW conference on Controlled Language Translation, Dublin, 2003. 194–199.

Wessel, M.: Some Practical Issues in Building a Hybrid Deductive Geographic Information System with a DL-Component, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation meets Databases (KRDB 2003), Francois Bry, Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sattler, Mareike Schoop (Eds.), available online as CEUR Workshop Proceedings 79,  2003.

Wessel, M.: Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with the ALCIRCC Family - First Results and Unanswered Questions, Fachbereichsmitteilung FBI-HH-M-324/03, Universität Hamburg, 2003.

Zhang, J; Baier, T; Hueser, M.: Instructing an assembly robot in situated natural language and gestures. Pro-ceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Heraklion, Kreta, 2003.

Zhang, J; Baier, T; Hueser, M.: A multimodal interface to situated assembly robot systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, Changsha, China, 2003.

Zhang, J.; Knoll, A.: A two-arm situated artificial communicator for interactive assembly. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50(4): 651—658, 2003.

Zhang, J.; Rössler, B.: Grasp Learning by Active Experimentation Using Continuous B-Spline Model, Kapitel 3, Seiten 353—372. In Autonomous Robotic Systems - Soft Computing and hard Computing Methodologies and Application. Physica-Verlag, 2003.

Zhang, J.; Rössler, B.: Self-valuing learning and generalization with application in visually guided grasping of complex objects. IROS Workshop on Programming by Demonstration, Las Vegas, USA, Oktober 2003. (invited)



Alker, M.; Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Hybrid Optimization for 3D Landmark Extraction: Genetic Algorithms and Conjugate Gradient Optimization, Proc. Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002, Informatik aktuell, M. Meiler, D. Saupe, F. Kruggel, H. Handels, and T. Lehmann (Eds.), Springer, 2002, 314-317

Baier, T., Hüser, M., Zhang, J.: Integration of Face and Gesture Detection in Natural Language Instructing of Robot in an Assembly Scenario, in Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication ROMAN 2002, Berlin, September 25-27, 2002, 241-246

Barkowsky, T.: Mental representation and processing of geographic knowledge - A computa-tional approach, Berlin: Springer, 2002

Chen J.: A Quantum Mechnical Approach to Cognition and Representation. In: Toward a Science of Consciousness. Short paper and poster presentation (7.-11.8.2001, Skövde, Schweden)

Chen J. and Kudlek, M.: Duality of Syntax and Semantics – From the View Point of Brain as a Quantum Computer. In: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (5.-7.9.2001, Tzigov Chark, Bulgarien)

Daum, M.; Menzel, W. : Parsing Natural Language using Guided Local Search. In F. van Harmelen (ed.): ECAI 2002. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lyon, France. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002, 435-439

Dreschler-Fischer, L.: Thesenpapier zum Symposium der Deuschen Stiftung Friedensforschung "Friedensforschung in den Naturwissenschaften", Beiträge der Informatik zur Friedensforschung, 19.2.2002, Berlin.

Eschenbach, C., Habel, Ch. & Leßmöllmann, A.: Multiple frames of reference in interpreting complex projective terms. In: K. R. Coventry & P. Olivier (eds.) Spatial Language. Cognitive and Computational Perspectives. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 2002, 209–231

Ferch, M., Hoechsmann, M., Zhang, J.: Learning cooperative assembly with the graph representation of a state-action space, IROS 2002, Lausanne, 2002

Ferch, M., Zhang, J: Learning cooperative grasping with the graph representation of a state-action space, in Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 38(3-4), 2002, 183 - 198

Fischer, K.: Linguistic Methods for Investigating Concepts in Use. In Stolz, Thomas; Kolbe, Katja (eds.): Methodologie in der Linguistik. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang

Fischer, K.: Notes on Analysing Context. In: Kühnlein, Peter; Rieser, Hannes and Zeevat, Henk (eds.): Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins

Flege, J.I., Bodendiek, R., Rauscher, R.: On the Hamiltonicity of a Class of generalized Petersen Graphs, in Results in Mathematics, 41, 2002, S. 68 - 105 Fischer, Kerstin (2002): Review of Johnstone, Barbara (2002): Discourse Analysis. Blackwell. LinguistList 13-726

Foth, K.; Hagenström, J.: Tagging for robust parsers. Proc. 2nd Workshop on Robust Methods in Analysis of natural language Data  ROMAND 2002, Frascati, Italy, 21-31

Freksa, C. ( ed.), Special issue Spatial Cognition, KI 4/2002

Görtz, G.; Haarslev, V.; Lutz, C.; Möller, R., (eds.) ADL-2002: KI-2002 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics, Aachen, Germany, 2002.

Guhe, M. & Schilder, F.: Incremental generation of self-corrections using underspecification. In: Mariët Theune, Anton Nijholt, & Hendri Hondorp (eds), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001. Selected Papers from the Twelfth CLIN Meeting., No 45 of Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics (edited by Jan Aarts andWillem Meijs), Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2002, 118-132

Guhe, M. & Schilder, F.: Underspecification for incremental generation. In: Proceedings of KONVENS 2002, 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache, Saarbrücken, 2002, 37-43

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: Practical Reasoning in RACER with a Concrete Domain for Linear Inequations, In: Prooceedings of the International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2002), Toulouse, France, April 19-21, 2002, 91-98.

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: Optimization Strategies for Instance retrieval, In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2002), Toulouse, France, April 19-21, 2002, 83-90.

Hagemann, A.;  Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Coupling of fluid and elastic models for biomechanical simulations of brain deformations using FEM, Medical Image Analysis 6:4 (2002) 375-388

v.Hahn, Walther: HyperLAT, the Lexicon Acquisition Tool of the Project DBR-MAT. Introduction and Manual. Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik. Mitteilung 319. 38 S.

v.Hahn, Walther; Vertan, Cristina: Architectures of „toy" systems for teaching Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of 6th EAMT Workshop „Teaching Machine Translation" Manchester 2002, 69 - 77

Hartkens, T.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Evaluation of 3D Operators for the Detection of Anatomical Point Landmarks in MR and CT Images, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 86:2 (2002) 118-136

Hotz, L.; Günter, A..: Using Knowledge-based Configuration for Configuring Software?, in Proc. of the Configuration Workshop, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002), 63-65, Lyon, France, July 21-26 2002.

Isli, A: A family of qualitative theories for continuous spatio-temporal change as a spatio-temporalisation of ALC(D) -first results, Proceedings of the ECAI Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Rodriguez, R V (ed.), Lyon, France, 81--86, 2002

Isli, A: Bridging the gap between modal temporal logics and constraint-based QSR as a spatio-temporalisation of ALC(D) with weakly cyclic TBoxes, Technical Report FBI-HH-M-311/02, Fachbereich Informatik, Universitaet Hamburg, 2002

Hendrich, N.: From CMOS-gates to computer architecture - lessons learned from five years of Java-applets, in Proc. EWME-2002, Baiona, 23 - Student's Designs using Built-In Selftest Methods, in Proc. EWME-2002, Baiona, 23 - 24.05.2002, 321-324

 Isli, A: Reasoning about relative position of directed lines as a ternary Relation Algebra (RA): presentation of the RA and of its use in the concrete domain of an ALC(D)-like description logic, Technical Report FBI-HH-M-313/02, Fachbereich Informatik, Universitaet Hamburg, 2002

Kaplunova, A.; Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: Adding ternary complex roles to ALCRP(D), In: Prooceedings of the International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-20ß02), Toulouse, France, April 19-21, 2002, pp. 45-52.

Kaup, B., Kelter, S. & Habel, Ch.: Representing referents of plural expressions and resolving plural anaphors. Language and Cognitive Processes,17, 2002, 405–450

Klippel, A. & Tappe, H.: Pieces of information. Combining route elements to sensible chunks. In: E. van der Meer, R. Beyer, F. Krüger, A. Nuthmann & S. Schulz (eds.). Proceedings of the 43. Conference of the DGP (German Society of Psychology). Berlin: Pabst, 2002

Knauff, M., Schlieder, C., Freksa, C.: Spatial cognition: From rat-research to multifunctional spatial assistance systems, KI 4/2002, 5-9

Kulik, L.,Eschenbach, C., Habel, Ch. & Schmidtke, H. R.: A graded approach to directions between extended objects. In: M. J. Egenhofer & D. M. Mark (eds.) Geographic Information Science. Second international conference, GIScience 2002, Boulder, CO, USA, September, 2002, proceedings. Springer: Berlin, 2002,  119–131

Köthe, U.: XPMaps and Topological Segmentation - a Unified Approach to Finite Topologies in the Plane, in: A. Braquelaire, J.-O. Lachaud, A. Vialard (eds.): Proc. of 10th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2310, pp. 22-33, Berlin: Springer, 2002

Köthe, U.: XPMaps and Topological Segmentation - a Unified Approach to Finite Topologies in the Plane", University of Hamburg, Department of Informatics, Technical Report FBI-HH-M-308/0, December 2001 (long version of above DGCI paper with proofs, 14 pages)

Köthe, U.: Deriving Topological Representations form Edge Images, to appear in: T. Asano, R. Klette, C. Ronse (eds.): Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision (Proc. of a Dagstuhl Seminar), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin: Springer, 2002

Köthe, U.: The VIGRA Reference Manual, Version 1.1.6, http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~koethe/vigra/

Köthe, U.: Generic Programming Techniques that Make Planar Cell Complexes Easy to Use, in: G. Bertrand, A. Imiya, R. Klette (eds.): Digital and Image Geometry - Advanced Lectures (Proc. of a Dagstuhl Seminar), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2243, pp. 17-37, Berlin: Springer, 2001 (erschienen 2002)

Krebs, T.; Hotz, L.; Günter, A..: Knowledge-based Configuration for Configuring Combined Hardware/Software Systems, in Proc. of 16. Workshop, Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PuK 2002), Freiburg, Germany, October 10-11 2002. Online available as http://www-is.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/~sauer/puk2002/paper.html.

Kulik, L.: Geometrische Repräsentation scharf und vage begrenzter Objekte. Berlin: dissertation.de, 2002

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Haarslev, V.; Timmann, M.; Möller, R.: Combining Tableaux and Algebraic Decision Procedures for Dealing with Qualified Number Restrictions in Description Logics, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Issues in the Design and Experimental Evaluation of Systems for Modal and Temporal Logics at IJCAR-2001, E. Giunchiglia, F. Massacci (Eds.), Technical Report DII 14/01, Siena, Italy, June, 2001, pp. 39-48.

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Batliner, A., Huber, R., Niemann, H., Nöth, E., Spilker, J., Fischer, K. (2000): The Recognition of Emotion. In Wahlster, W. (ed): Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation. Berlin etc.: Springer.

Batliner, Anton; Fischer, Kerstin; Huber, Richard; Spilker, Jörg; Nöth, Elmar (2000): Desperately Seeking Emotions: Actors, Wizards, and Human Beings. In: Proceedings of the ISCA-Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research, Belfast, 5-7 September 2000.

Bonaventura P., Herron D., Menzel W., "Phonetic rules for diagnosis of pronunciation errors", submitted to KONVENS 2000 (Conference on Natural Language Processing), Ilmenau, 225-230

Bonaventura P., Menzel, W., Howarth P., "Phonetic annotation of a non-native speech corpus for application to computer-aided pronunciation teaching ", Proceedings InSTIL symposium (Integrating Speech Technology in (Language) Learning), EUROCALL 2000, Dundee, Scotland, S. 11-17

Cundari, Thomas R.; Jun Deng; Pop, Horia F.; Costel Sarbu, Structural Analysis of Transition Metal Beta-X Substituent Interactions. Towards the Use of Soft Computing Methods for Catalyst Modeling, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 4 (40), 2000, 1052-1061

Casakin, H.; Barkowsky, T.; Klippel, A.; Freksa, C.: Schematic maps as wayfinding aids, in Freksa, C, Brauer W, Habel C, Wender KF, eds, Spatial cognition II - integrating abstract theories, empirical studies, formal models, and practical applications, LNAI 1849, 57-74, Springer, Berlin 2000

Dreschler-Fischer. L., Lutz, D. (Hrsg.): Prognosemodelle - Szenarien für die Zukunft. Tagungsband der 16. FIfF-Jahrestagung 29.9.-2.10.2000 in Hamburg

Dreschler-Fischer, L. (Hrsg.): Fernerkundungsverfahren zur Verifikation von Abrüstungs- und Umweltvereinbarungen. Workshop auf der 16. FIfF-Jahrestagung 29.9.-2.10. 2000

Dreschler-Fischer, L.: Beschreibungslogische Modellierung von Indikatoren zur Detektion von Landminenfeldern mittels Fernerkundung. In:  Workshop auf der 16. FIfF-Jahrestagung 29.9.-2.10.2000

Eschenbach, C.: Contextual, functional, and geometric features and projective terms. In L. Carlson & E. van der Zee (eds.) The 2nd Annual Language and Space Workshop: Defining Functional and Spatial Features. University of Notre Dame: South Bend, In. (Revised version to appear in Carlson, Laura & Emile van der Zee (eds.). Functional and Spatial Features in Language and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press.), 2000

Eschenbach, C.; Tschander, L.; Habel, C.; Kulik, L.: Lexical specifications of paths, in C. Freksa, W. Brauer, C. Habel & K.F. Wender (eds.), Spatial Cognition II. Integrating Abstract Theories, Empirical Studies, Formal Methods, and Practical Applications (pp. 127–144). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000

Eschenbach, C.: Ontology, predicates, and identity, in St. Winter (ed.), Geographical Domain and Geographical Information Systems (pp. 33–36). Vienna, Austria: Institute for Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology. (Abstract from the EuroConference on Ontology and Epistemology for Spatial Data Standards.), 2000

Fischer, Kerstin (2000): From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics: The Functional Polysemy of Discourse Particles. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin, New York.

Fischer, Kerstin (2000): What are the Readings of a Lexical Item: Pragmatic Methods for Lexical Semantics. In: Eckardt, Regine & von Heusinger, Klaus (eds.): Meaning Change - Meaning Variation, Workshop held at Konstanz, Feb.1999, Vol.I, Arbeitspapier Nr. 106 des Fachbereichs Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz, 55-83.

Fischer, Kerstin (2000): What Is a Situation? Proceedings of Götalog 2000, Fourth Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Göteborg University, 15-17 June 2000. Gothenburg Papers in Computational Linguistics 00-5, pp. 85-92.

Fischer, Kerstin (erscheint): Discourse Particles, Turn-taking, and the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface Revue Semantique et Pragmatique 8.

Fischer, Kerstin (erscheint): Pragmatic Methods for Construction Grammar. In: Holmer, Svantesson & Viberg (eds). Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Travaux de l'Institut de Linguistique de Lund.

Fischer, Kerstin (erscheint): Wie Frauen und Männer mit dem Computer reden. Konferenzakten des 26. Kongress von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 1.-4.Juni 2000, Hamburg.

Fischer, Kerstin and Batliner, Anton (2000): What Makes Speakers Angry in Human-Computer Conversation. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation, Bellagio, Italy, 3-5 July 2000.

Foth, Kilian; Menzel, Wolfgang; Schröder, Ingo: A transformation-based parsing technique with anytime properties. Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Parsing Technologies, IWPT 2000, Trento, Italy, p.89-100.

Foth, Kilian; Menzel, Wolfgang; Pop, Horia F.; Schröder, Ingo: An experiment on incremental analysis using robust parsing techniques. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics, Saarbrücken 2000, p. 1026-1030.

Foth, Kilian; Menzel, Wolfgang; Pop, Horia F.; Schröder, Ingo: An experiment in incremental parsing using weighted constraints, Proceedings of the 18-th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING2000), Saarbruecken, Germany, July 31 - August 4, 2000, 1026-1030

Fornefett, M.; Rohr, K; Stiehl, H.S.: Elastic Medical Image Registration Using Surface Landmarks With Automatic Finding of Correspondences. In A. Horsch and T. Lehmann (eds.), Proc. Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, München, Germany, March 12-14, 2000, Informatik aktuell, pp. 48-52. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000

Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: A New Approach to the Localization of 3D Anatomical Point Landmarks in Medical Images Based on Deformable Models. In G. Sommer, N. Krüger, and Ch. Perwass (eds.), Proc. 22. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, Kiel, Germany, September 13-15, 2000, Informatik aktuell, pp. 452-459. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000

Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Localization of 3D Anatomical Point Landmarks in 3D Tomographic Images Using Deformable Models. In S.L. Delp, A.M. DiGioia, and B. Jaramaz (eds.), Proc. 3rd Internat. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2000), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 11-14, 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1935, 492-501. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000

Freksa C, Moratz R, Barkowsky T, Schematic maps for robot navigation, International Computer Science Institute Report TR-99-021, Berkeley, California 1999. In Freksa C, Brauer W, Habel C, Wender KF, eds, Spatial cognition II - integrating abstract theories, empirical studies, formal models, and practical applications, LNAI 1849, 100-114, Springer, Berlin 2000

Freksa C, Brauer W, Habel C, Wender KF, eds, Spatial cognition II - Integrating abstract theories, empirical studies, formal models, and practical applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1849, Springer, Berlin 2000

Freksa C, Moratz R, Barkowsky T, Robot navigation with schematic maps, in Pagello E et al, eds,Intelligent Autonomous Systems 6, 809-816, IOS Press, 2000

Günther, C.; Hamerich, S. W.; Kunzmann, S.; Roß, T.; ISA: A Traffic Jam Information System Based On The IBM ViaVoice Telephony Toolkit Proceedings of the International Workshop "Voice Operated Telecom Services", Gent, Belgien, 63 - 66

Guhe, M.; Habel, C. & Tappe, H.: Incremental event conceptualization and natural language generation in monitoring environments, (pp. 85-92), Proceedings of first international conference on natural language generation - INLG 2000, Mitzpe, Ramon, Israel, 2000

Haarslev, V., Möller, R.: Optimizing TBox and ABox Reasoning with Pseudo Models, In Proceedings of the International Workshop in Description Logics 2000 (DL2000), Aachen, Germany, 2000, 153-162

Haarslev, V., Möller, R.: High Performance Reasoning with Very Large Knowledge Bases, In Proc. of the International Workshop in Description Logics 2000 (DL2000), Aachen, Germany, 2000, 143-152

Haarslev, V., Möller, R.: Consistency Testing: The RACE Experience, in: Proceedings TABLEAUX'2000, Springer-Verlag, 2000, pp.  57-61

Haarslev, V., Möller, R.: Expressive ABox Reasoning with Number Restrictions, Role Hierarchies, and Transitively Closed Roles, In: Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2000), Fausto Giunchiglia and Bart  Selman (eds), Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, 12-15 April 2000, pp. 273-284, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 2000

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: Expressive ABox Reasoning with Number Restrictions, Role Hierarchies, and Transitively Closed Roles, Technical Report No. FBI-HH-M-288/99, University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department, March 2000.

Haarslev, V., Möller, R., Wessel, M.: The Description Logic ALCNHR+ Extended with Concrete Domains: A Practically Motivated Approach, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR'2001, R. Goré, A. Leitsch, T. Nipkow (Eds.), June 18-23, 2001, Siena, Italy, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 29-44.

Haarslev, V., Möller, R., Wessel, M.: The Description Logic ALCNHR+ Extended with Concrete Domains, Technical Report No. FBI-HH-M-290/00, University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department, Juli 2000

Haarslev, V., Möller, R., Wessel, M.: ALCRA -- ALC with Role Axioms, Proceedings of the International Workshop in Description Logics 2000 (DL2000), Aachen, Germany, 2000, pp. 267-276.

Habel, C.; Schmidtke, H.R.; Tschander, L.; Eschenbach, C.: Change of orientation, in E. van der Zee & J. Slack (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Axes and Vectors in Language and Space (pp. 57–67). Lincoln, UK: University of Lincolnshire and Humberside, 2000

Habel, Ch. & von Stutterheim, Ch.: Räumliche Konzepte und sprachliche Strukturen - Eine Einleitung. In Habel, Ch. & v. Stutterheim, C. (Hrsg.), Räumliche Konzepte und sprachliche Strukturen. (pp. 1-8). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2000

Habel, Ch.; Herweg, Michael; Pribbenow, Simone & Schlieder, Christoph: Wissen über Raum und Zeit. In Görz, G.; Rollinger, C.-R. & Schneeberger, J. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Oldenbourg Verlag: München. 349-405, 2000

Hagemann, A.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Biomechanically based simulation of brain deformations for intraoperative image correction: coupling of elastic and fluid models. In K.M. Hanson (ed.), Proc. SPIE Internat. Symposium Medical Imaging 2000 - Image Processing, San Diego, CA, USA, February 12-18, 2000, vol. 3979,, 658-667. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2000

v.Hahn 2000 Quality Standards in Machine Translation. In: Proceedings of ESITEC workshop. October 2000 Technical University of Cluj, Romania

v.Hahn, W., Tessiore, L. Functional Validation of a Machine Interpretation System: Verbmobil. In: W. Wahlster (ed.), Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation. Berlin 2000, 611-634

v.Hahn, W.; Jekat, S.J.; Multilingual VERBMOBIL-Dialogs:Experiments, Data Collection and Data Analysis. In: W. Wahlster (ed.), Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation. Berlin 2000, 575-582

Heers, J.; Schnörr, C.; Stiehl, H.S.: Globally-convergent iterative numerical schemes for non-linear variational image smoothing and segmentation on a multi-processor machine. Technical report 5/2000, Computer Science Series, University of Mannheim, February 2000

Hollmann, O.; Wagner, T.; Günter, A.: EngCon - A Flexible Domain-Independent Configuration Engine. In: Proceedings ECAI-Workshop "Configuration" S. 94ff, 2000

Horowitz, O.; Costel Sarbu; Pop, Horia F.; Rational Classification of Chemical Elements (Romanian), Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2000, ISBN 973-35-1006-8

Horowitz, O.; Pop, Horia F.; Costel Sarbu, Pattern recognition applied on the chemical elements (Romanian), Revista de Chimie, Bucuresti, 51, 2000, 17-29

Hotz, L., Struss, P., Guckenbiehl, T. (Hrsg.), Intelligente Diagnose in der industriellen Anwendung - Intelligent Diagnosis in Industrial Applications. Shaker Verlag, 2000

Isli, A., Museros Cabedo, L., Barkowsky, T., Moratz, R.: A topological calculus for cartographic entities, In Freksa C, Brauer W, Habel C, Wender KF, eds, Spatial cognition II - integrating abstract theories, empirical studies, formal models, and practical applications, LNAI 1849, 225-238, Springer, Berlin 2000

Isli, A and Cohn, A G: A new approach to cyclic ordering of 2D orientations using ternary relation algebras, Artificial Intelligence, 122, 127-188. Internationale Zeitschrift, begutachtet

Jekat, S. J. : Reduction as an Input Filter. In Proceedings of the 1st Forli Conference on Interpreting Studies: Interpreting in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities, 9 - 11 November 2000

Jekat, S. J. ;Tessiore, L.; End-to-End Evaluation of Machine Interpretation Systems: A Graphical Evaluation Tool. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 31 May - 2 June 2000, Athens, Greece

Jekat, S.J. and Lause, B. Example of an Interpreting Strategy. Universität Hamburg, Sonderforschungsbereich 538, Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, Reihe B.

Jekat, S.J.: A Closer Look at the Interpretation Process. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Linguistics and Translation, 20 -21 November 2000, SFB 538 Multilingualism, University of Hamburg.

Jekat, S.J.; Lause, Brigitte M.. Human and Machine Interpretation:Reduction as an Input Filter,Proceedings of AMLaP-2000, Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, September 20 - 23, Leiden, the Netherlands

Kaup, B., Kelter, S. & Habel, Ch.: Representing referents of plural expressions and resolving plural anaphors. Language and Cognitive Processes, in press

Klette, R.; Stiehl, H.S.; Viergever, M.A.; Vincken, K.L. (eds.): Performance Characterization in Computer Vision, Vol. 17 of Computational Imaging and Vision, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000

Klippel, A.: Representing qualitative spatial knowledge in schematic maps, In S. Winter (ed.). Geographical Domain and Geographical Information Systems. GeoInfo Series Vol. 19. Institute for Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, 2000

Klippel, A. & Kulik, L.: Using grids in maps, In M.Anderson, P. Cheng & V. Haarslev (eds.). Theory and application of diagrams. First International Conference, Diagrams 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 1-3, 2000 Proceedings (486-499). Berlin: Springer, 2000

Köthe, U.: "Generische Programmierung für die Bildverarbeitung", Dissertation, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, 274 pages, Hamburg 2000, ISBN: 3-8311-0239-2

Köthe, U., Weihe, K.: "The STL Model in the Geometric Domain", in: M. Jazayeri, R. Loos, D. Musser (eds.): Generic Programming, Proc. of a Dagstuhl Seminar, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 1766, pp. 232-248, Berlin: Springer, 2000

Köthe, U.: "STL-Style Generic Programming with Images", C++ Report Magazine 12(1), pp. 24-30, January 2000

Kulik, L.: Vague Spatial Reasoning based on Supervaluation. In S. Winter (Ed.), Geographical Domain and Geographical Information Systems - GeoInfo Series Vol. 19 (pp. 73-80), Vienna: Institute for Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology, 2000

Kurematsu, A.; Akegami, Y.; Burger, S.; Jekat, S.J.; Lause, B.;.Maclaren, V.L; Oppermann, D., Schultz, T.: Verbmobil Dialogues: Multifacceted Analysis Proceedings ICSLP 2000.

Lause, B.; Jekat, S.J.: TP A3 Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache im Dolmetschprozess: Daten-Methodenanalyse Universität Hamburg, Sonderforschungsbereich 538, Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, Reihe B.

Leßmöllmann, A.: Der Ball ist rund. Formadjektive und Objektkonzepte. In: Habel, C. & v. Stutterheim, C. (Eds.): Räumliche Konzepte und sprachliche Strukturen (pp. 217-236), Tübingen (Niemeyer), 2000

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Menzel, W., Atwell, .; Bonaventura, P.; Herron, D.l; Howarth, P.; Morton, R.; Souter, C.: The ISLE corpus of non-native spoken English, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-2000, p. 957-963.

Menzel, W.: Fehlerdiagnose und Feedback in einem Aussprachetrainer für den Fremdsprachenerwerb. Proc. 10. Arbeitstreffen der GI-Fachgruppe 1.1.5/7.0.1 Intelligente Lehr- und Lernsysteme, Hamburg, 1.-2.12.2000, S. 69-75.

Menzel, W.: Theory and applications in Computational Linguistics - Is there common ground? Proc. Symposion "Computerlinguistik: Divergenz oder Synergie", Heidelberg, 21.-22.7.2000.

Menzel, W.: Überblick Sprachverarbeitung. Kapitel 15 in: G. Görz, C.-R. Rollinger, J. Schneeberger (Hrsg.) Einführung in die künstliche Intelligenz. R. Oldenbourg Verlag München, 2000, S. 627-649.

Menzel, W.: Zur Geschichte der Computerlinguistik (Entwurf). Erscheint in: K.-U. Carstensen, Chr. Ebert, C. Endriss, S. Jekat, R. Klabunde, H. Langer, M. Schielen (Hrsg.) Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie - Eine Einführung. Spektrum-Verlag.

Menzel, W.; Herron, Daniel; Bonaventura, Patrizia; Morton, Rachel: Automatic detection and correction of non-native English pronunciation. Proc. Workshop Intergrating Speech Technology in the (Language) Learning and Assistive Interface, InStil 2000, Dundee (UK), p. 49-56.

Menzel, W.; Herron, Daniel; Morton, Rachel; Pezzotta, Dario; Bonaventura, Patrizia; Howarth, Peter: Interactive Pronunciation Training. To appear in: ReCall.

Milde, H.; Hotz, L.; Kahl, J.; Neumann, B.; Wessel, S.: The Modeling, Analyzing, and Diagnozing System

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Milde, H., Hotz, L., Generating Fault Trees from Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Device Models. In: Proc. ECAI Workshop W31 on Knowledge-Based Systems for Model-Based Engineering, 2000

Milde, H., Hotz, L., Facing Diagnosis Reality - Model-Based Fault Tree Generation in Industrial Application. In: Proc. DX-00, 11th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, 2000

Milde, H., Guckenbiehl, T.; Malik, A.; Neumann, B.; Struss, P.: Integrating Model-Based Diagnosis Techniques into Current Work Processes - Three Case Studies from the INDIA-Project, AI Communication 3/2000

Milde, H., Neumann, B.: Diagnoseforschung: Simulierte Pannen, uni hh Forschung Nr. XXXIV/2000, Universität Hamburg, 2000, 15-19

Möller, R., Haarslev, V., Neumann, B., Expressive Description Logics for Agent-based Information Retrieval, In: Knowledge Engineering and Agent Technology, Volume 52, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, edited by: Cuena, J., Demazeau, Y., Garcia, A., and Treur, J., IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2000

Moratz, R.; Fischer, K. (2000): Cognitively Adequate Modelling of Spatial Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTA 2000, November 13-15 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 222-228.

Moratz, R. ; Renz, J.; Wolter, D.: Qualitative Spatial Reasoning about Line Segments, In: W.Horn (ed.): ECAI 2000. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2000

Moratz, R.; Fischer, K.:Cognitively Adequate Modelling of Spatial Reference in Human-Robot Interaction; IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-2000), Vancouver, 2000

Moratz, R.; Barkowsky, T.; Freksa, C.: (2000). Diagrammatic instruction maps for human-robot interaction, T. Röfer, A. Lankenau, & R. Moratz (Eds.), ECAI2000 Workshop: Service Robotics - Applications and Safety Issues in an Emerging Market (pp. 17-18). Berlin: August 22, 2000

Rauh, R.; Kulik, L.: The Influence of Linear Shapes on Solving Interval-Based Configuration Problems. In C. Freksa, W. Brauer, C. Habel, & K.F. Wender (Eds.), Spatial Cognition II (pp. 239&#8211;252), Berlin: Springer, 2000

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Pop, H. F.; A Soft-Computing approach to NLP, Natural Language Division, Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, May 2000

Pop, H. F.; LSD - Lighting Systems Design -- a software to design lighting systems (Romanian), Ingineria Iluminatului, 4, 2000, 74-79, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Program Tempus-Phare CME-03551-97. ISSN 1454-5837

Pop, H. F.; Self-Organizing Maps in text mining, Natural Language Division, Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, June 2000

Pop, H. F.; Serban, Gabriela: Artificial Intelligence - Course notes (Romanian), Center for Continuing Formation and Distance Learning, Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Cluj-Napoca, 2000

Rohr, K.: Elastic Registration of Multimodal Medical Images: A Survey. Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 3, pp. 11-17, Juli 2000

Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Frantz, S.; Hartkens, T.: Performance Characterization of Landmark Operators. In R. Klette, H.S. Stiehl, M.A. Viergever, and K.L. Vincken (eds.), Performance Characterization in Computer Vision, Vol. 17 of Computational Imaging and Vision, pp. 285-297. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000.

Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Frantz, S.; Hartkens, T.: Performance Characterization of Landmark Operators. In R. Klette, H.S. Stiehl, M.A. Viergever, and K.L. Vincken (eds.), Performance Characterization. In Computer Vision, Vol. 17 of Computational Imaging and Vision, pp. 285-297. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000

Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Fornefett, M.; Frantz, S.; Hagemann, A.: Landmark-Based Elastic Registration and Biomechanical Brain Modelling. Künstliche Intelligenz, Heft 3, pp. 37-39, Juli 2000

Sarbu, C.l and Pop, H. F.; Fuzzy clustering analysis of the first 10 MEIC chemicals, Chemosphere, 5 (40), 2000, 513-520

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Schröder, I.; Menzel, W.; Foth, Kilian; Schulz, Michael: Modeling dependency grammar with restricted constraints. International Journal Traitement Automatique des Langues. Special issue on Grammaires de dépendance, Vol 41 No. 1 p. 97-126

Strube, G.; Habel, Ch.; Konieczny, Lars & Hemforth, B.: Kognition. In Görz, G.; Rollinger, C.-R. & Schneeberger, J. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz. (pp. 19-72). Oldenbourg Verlag: München, 2000

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Dreschler-Fischer, L.: Detektion von Landminenfeldern zur Minenräumung anhand von Luftaufnahmen. Tagungsband zur Diskussionsveranstaltung der Bremer Ortsgruppe des FIfF zum Kosovo-Krieg, Juli 1999 59

Dreschler-Fischer, L.: Erkennung mariner Ölverschmutzungen in SAR-Aufnahmen der Meeresoberfläche. Tagungsband zur Klausurtagung des FIfF-Beirats in Freudenberg, Mai 1999 59

Eschenbach, C.; Habel, C. & Kulik, L.: Representing simple trajectories as oriented curves. In: Kumar, A.N. & Russell, I. (eds.): FLAIRS-99. Proceedings of the 12th International Florida AI Research Society Con-ference. Orlando, Florida, 1999, S. 431-436

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Freksa, C.; Barkowsky, T.: On the duality and on the integration of propositional and spatial representations. In: Rickheit, G. & Habel, C. ( eds.): Mental models in discourse processing and reasoning. Elsevier Science B.V., 1999, S.195-212

Freksa, C.: Links vor – Prototyp oder Gebiet? Probabilistische und possibilistische Raumbeschreibung. In: Rickheit, G. (Hrsg.): Richtungen im Raum. Wiesbaden (Westdeutscher Verlag) 1999, S. 231-246

Freksa, C.: Spatial aspects of task-specific wayfinding maps. A representation-theoretic perspective. In: Gero, J.S. & Tversky, B. (eds): Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design, 15-32. Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition. University of Sydney, 1999

Freksa, C.; Mark, D.M. (eds): Spatial Information Theory – Cognitive and computational foundations of geographic information science. LNCS 1661. Berlin (Springer) 1999

Freksa, C.; Barkowsky, T. & Klippel, A.: Spatial symbol systems and spatial cognition. A computer science perspective on perception-based symbol processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22, 4. 1999, S. 616-617

Freksa, C.; Moratz, R. & Barkowsky, T.: Schematic maps for robot navigation. International Computer Science Institute Report TR-99-021. Berkeley, California, 1999Bernhardt, U.; Dreschler-Fischer, L.; Ruhmann, I. (Hrsg.): High Tech, Krieg und Frieden, FIfF Kommunika-tion 4, Dezember 1999

Fischer, K.: Annotating Emotional Language Data. Verbmobil Report 236, December 1999.

Fischer, K.: Repeats, Reformulations, and Emotional Speech: Evidence for the Design of Human-Computer Speech Interfaces. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jörg & Ziegler, Jürgen (eds.): Human-Computer Interaction: Ergo-nomics and User Interfaces, Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Munich, Germany. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., London, pp. 560-565. 1999

Fischer, K.: Discourse Effects on the Prosodic Properties of Repetitions in Human-Computer Interaction. Proceedings of the ESCA-Workshop on Dialogue and Prosody, September 1rst - 3rd, 1999, De Konings-hof, Veldhoven, The Netherlands.

Fischer, K. : Die Ikonizität der Pause: Zwischen kognitiver Last und kommunikativer Funktion Proceedings of KogWis99, Bielefeld, Germany

Fischer, K. (1999): Diskurspartikeln im Lexikon. In: Warncke, Ingo (ed.): Schnittstelle Text-Diskurs Frank-furt a.M.: Lang.

Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Improving the Detection Performance in Semi-automatic Landmark Extraction. In: Proc. Internat. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Interventions (MICCAI'99), Cambridge, England, 19-22 Sept. 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1679, C.J. Taylor and A. Colchester (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1999, 253-262

Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Kim, S.I.; Weese, J.: Validating Point-based MR/CT Registration Based on Semi-automatic Landmark Extraction. In: Proc. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS'99), Paris, France, 23-26 June 1999, H.U. Lemke, M.W. Vannier, K. Inamura, and A.G. Farman (Eds.), Else-vier Science Amsterdam 1999, 233-237

Fornefett, M.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Elastic Registration of Medical Images Using Radial Basis Functions with Compact Support'', Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'99), Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, June 23-25, 1999, IEEE Computer Society Press 1999, 402-407

Fornefett, M.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Radial Basis Functions with Compact Support for Elastic Registration of Medical Images'', Proc. Internat. Workshop Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR'99), Bled, Slovenia, Aug. 30-31, 1999, F. Pernus, S. Kovacic, H.S. Stiehl, and M. Viergever (Eds.), Slovenian Pat-tern Recognition Society, Ljubljana 1999, 173-185

Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Reducing False Detections in Extracting 3D Anatomical Point Landmarks'', Proc. Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999 – Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen –, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany, 4./5. März 1999, Informatik aktuell, H. Evers, G. Glombitza, T. Lehmann, and H.-P. Meinzer (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999, 54-59

Frantz, S.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.: Improving the Detection Performance in Semi-automatic Landmark Ex-traction'', Proc. Second Internat. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'99), Cambridge, England, Sept. 19-22, 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1679, C.J. Taylor and A. Colchester (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999, 253-262

Guckenbiehl, Th.; Milde, H.; Neumann, B., Struss, P.: Meeting Re-use Requirements of Real-Life Diagnosis Applications. In: Proc. XPS-99, Knowledge-Based Systems, Puppe, F. (Ed.),1999

Haarslev, V.; Möller, Ralf; Turhan, A.-Y.: RACE User's Guide and Reference Manual Version 1.1. Techni-cal Report FBI-HH-M-289/99, University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department, October 1999

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: Expressive ABox Reasoning with Number Restrictions, Role Hierarchies, and Transitively Closed Roles. Technical Report FBI-HH-M-288/99, University of Hamburg, Computer Science Department , October 1999

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.; Wessel, M.: On Specifying Semantics of Visual Spatial Query Languages. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages 1999, Sept. 13-16, Tokyo, Japan, IEEE Press 1999

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: An Empirical Evaluation of Optimization Strategies for ABox Reasoning in Ex-pressive Description Logics. In: Proc. of DL99, International Workshop on Description Logics, Linköping, 115-119, 1999

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: RACE System Description. In: Proc. of DL99, International Workshop on Description Logics, Linköping, 1999, 130-132

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: On Terminological Default Reasoning about Spatial Information: Extended Abstract. In: Proc. of DL99, International Workshop on Description Logics, Linköping, 155-159, 1999

Haarslev, V.; Möller, R.: Applying an ALC ABox Consistency Tester to Modal Logic SAT Problems. In: Proc. of TABLEAUX'99, The 6th International Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, Saratoga Springs, NY/USA, June 7-11, Springer-Verlag, 24-28, 1999

Haarslev, V.: A Logic-based Formalism for Reasoning about Visual Representations, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol. 10 No. 4, 1999, pp 421-445

Haarslev, V.; Lutz, C.; Möller, R.:A Description Logic with Concrete Domains and a Roleforming Predicate Operator. In: Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 9, No.3, 351-384, June 1999

Habel, C. & Tappe H.: Processes of segmentation and linearization in describing events. In: Klabunde, R. & v. Stutterheim, C.(Hrsg.): Representations and processes in language production.. Wiesbaden (Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag) 1999, pp. 117-152

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Habel, C.; Hildebrandt, B. & Moratz, R.: Interactive robot navigation based on qualitative spatial representa-tions. In: Wachsmuth, I. & Jung, B. (eds.): KogWis99: Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999 .Sankt Augustin (Infix) 1999, pp. 219–224

Hagemann, A.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Spetzger, U.; Gilsbach, J.M.: A Biomechanical Model of the Human Head for Elastic Registration of MR-Images. In: Proc. Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM'99), Heidelberg, Germany, 4-5 March 1999, Informatik aktuell, H. Evers, G. Glombitza, T. Lehmann, and H.-P. Meinzer (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999, 44-48

Hagemann, A.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Spetzger, U.; Gilsbach, J.M.: Elastic Registration of MR-Images Based on a Biomechanical Model of the Human Head'', Navigated Brain Surgery – Interdisciplinary Views of Neuronavigation from Neurosurgeons and Computer Scientists, U. Spetzger, H.S. Stiehl, and J.M. Gilsbach (Eds.), Verlag Mainz, Aachen 1999, 203-209

Hagemann, A.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Spetzger, U.; Gilsbach, J.M.: Nonrigid matching of tomographic images based on a biomechanical model of the human head'', Medical Imaging 1999 – Image Processing (MI'99), Proc. SPIE Internat. Symposium, Vol. 3661, Part One, Febr. 22-25, 1999, San Diego/CA, K.M. Hanson (Ed.), 583-592

Hagemann, A.; Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Spetzger, U.; Gilsbach, J.M.: Intraoperative Image Correction Using a Biomechanical Model of the Human Head with Different Material Properties, 21. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung 1999, 15.-17. Sept. 1999, Bonn/Germany, Informatik aktuell, W. Förstner, J.M. Buhmann, A. Faber, and P. Faber (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999, 223-231

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Klippel, A.: Relaxierte Lokalisation - Kognitive Implikationen schematischer Karten. In: Wachsmuth, I. & Jung, B. (Eds.): KogWis99 - Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999. Sankt Augustin (Infix) 1999, pp. 49-54

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Mantay, Th.; Möller, R.; Kaplunova, A.: Computing Probabilistic Least Common Subsumers in Description Logics. In: Proceedings KI-99, 23. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 89-100

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Möller, R.; Neumann, B.; Wessel, M.: Towards Computer Vision with Description Logics: Some Recent Progress. In: Proceedings Integration of Speech and Image Understanding, Corfu, Greece, IEEE Compu-ter Society, Los Alamitos, ISBN 0-7695-0471-X, pp. 101–115, 1999

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Möller, R.; Wessel, M.: Terminological Default Reasoning about Spatial Information: A First Step. In: Proc. of COSIT'99, International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, Stade, 1999, Springer-Verlag, 1999, 189-204

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Rohr, K.; Fornefett, M.; Stiehl, H.S.: Approximating Thin-Plate Splines for Elastic Registration: Integration of Landmark Errors and Orientation Attributes. In: Proc. 16th Internat. Conf. on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'99), Visegrád, Hungary, June 28 - July 2, 1999, In Lecture Notes in Computer Sciene 1613, A. Kuba, M. Sámal, and A. Todd-Pokropek (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999, 252-265

Rohr, K.: Extraction of 3D Anatomical Point Landmarks Based on Invariance Principles . In: Pattern Recognition 32 (1999) 3-15

Rohr, K.; Fornefett, M.; Stiehl, H.S.: Approximating Thin-Plate Splines for Elastic Registration: Integration of Landmark Errors and Orientation Attributes . In: Proc. 16th Internat. Conf. on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'99), Visegrad, Hungary, June 28 - July 2, 1999, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1613, A. Kuba, M. Samal, and A. Todd-Pokropek (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999, 252-265

Rohr, K.; Stiehl, H.S.; Fornefett, M.; Frantz S.; Hagemann, A.: Landmark-Based Elastic Registration of Human Brain Images'', Navigated Brain Surgery. In: Interdisciplinary Views of Neuronavigation from Neurosurgeons and Computer Scientists, U. Spetzger, H.S. Stiehl, and J.M. Gilsbach (Eds.), Verlag Mainz, Aachen 1999, 137-148

Rohr, K.: Geometrie- und Intensitätsmodelle für 2D und 3D Bildanalyse. Habilitationsschrift, November 1999.

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