Peer Stelldinger stelldinger at 

Universität Hamburg
Department Informatik
Arbeitsbereich KOGS

Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
22527 Hamburg

Raum R-115


University of Hamburg
Computer Science Dept.
Cognitive Systems Group

Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30
22527 Hamburg

My Picture
Curriculum Vitae  Research Interests  Recent Publications  Recent Talks  Projects  Courses offered  Final Theses  Personal Homepage

Recent Talks

(without talks at the Cognitive Systems Group)

    Non-conference Talks (invited and others):

    8.4.2010: University of Sydney, ViSLAB, Sydney, Australia:
    Lexicographic Optimization: A new old principle and applications to surface reconstruction and segmentation

    6.4.2010: CSIRO Biotech Imaging Group, Sydney, Australia:
    Lexicographic Optimization: A new old principle and applications to surface reconstruction and segmentation

    26.3.2010: CSIRO ICT Centre, Autonomous Systems Laboratory, Brisbane, Australia:
    Lexicographic Optimization: A new old principle and applications to surface reconstruction and segmentation

    23.3.2010: Griffith University, Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS) and School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Brisbane, Australia:
    Lexicographic Optimization: A new old principle and applications to surface reconstruction and segmentation

    19.3.2010: CSIRO ICT Centre, Computer Vision and Learning Group, Sydney, Australia:
    Lexicographic Optimization: A new old principle and applications to surface reconstruction and segmentation

    2.2.2010: Mathematical Geometry Processing Group, FU Berlin:
    "Connect the Dots" - Surface Reconstruction by using Lexicographic Optimization

    4.9.2009: 2. Hamburg Science Slam, Hamburg:
    "Connect the Dots" - Ein Kinderspiel?

    27.4.2009: GI-Dissertationspreiskolloquium, Dagstuhl:
    Image Digitization and its Influence on Shape Properties in finite Dimensions

    1.4.2009: Fakultätskolloquium zur Verabschiedung von Dekan Prof. A. Frühwald, Hamburg:
    "Connect the Dots" - Wie digitalisiert man Objektoberflächen und wie misst man deren Ähnlichkeit?

    16.9.2008: KOGS-Workshop, Boltenhagen:
    Neue Methoden für den Ähnlichkeitsvergleich dreidimensionaler Oberflächenmodelle

    19.5.2008: Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide in Holstein:
    Über den Informationsverlust bei der Aufnahme digitaler Bilder

    26.2.2008: Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg:
    Topology-Preserving Reconstruction of Sampled Volumes and Surfaces

    4.11.2005: Gee Lab, Medical Image Analysis Group, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA:
    3D Object Digitization with Topological and Geometrical Guarantees

    20.10.2005: Centre for Information Science and Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA:
    3D Object Digitization with Topological and Geometrical Guarantees

    18.3.2005: Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group PRIP, TU Wien:
    Digitization of Non-regular Shapes

    Conference Talks:

    IWCIA, Riviera Maya, 2009:
    Contour Reconstruction for Multiple 2D Regions Based on Adaptive Boundary Samples

    CTIC, St. Kathrein, Austria, 2009:
    On Simultaneous Reconstruction of Multiple Regions based on Locally Adaptive Boundary Samples

    VIIP, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2008:
    A Thinning Algorithm for Topologically Correct 3D Surface Reconstruction

    IWCIA, Buffalo, U.S.A., 2008:
    Topologically Correct 3D Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Noisy Samples

    ICIAP, Modena, Italy, 2007:
    Topology Preserving Marching-Cubes-like Algorithms on the Face-Centered Cubic Grid

    DGCI, Szeged, Hungary, 2006:
    Topologically Correct Image Segmentation Using Alpha Shapes

    ICPR, Hongkong, China, 2006:
    3D Object Digitization: Majority Interpolation and Marching Cubes

    IWCIA, Berlin, Germany, 2006:
    Topology Preserving Digitization with FCC and BCC Grids

    ISMM, Paris, France, 2005:
    Digitization of Non-regular Shapes

    DGCI, Poitiers, France, 2005:
    Shape Preserving Digitization of Binary Images after Blurring

    Vision Geometry, San Jose, U.S.A., 2005:
    Grid-Independent Necessary Criterions for Shape Preserving Digitization

    IWCIA, Auckland, New Zealand, 2004:
    Shape Preserving Sampling and Reconstruction of Grayscale Images

    DGCI, Naples, Italy, 2003:
    Shape Preserving Digitization of Ideal and Blurred Binary Images