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[Linux,Sun:Programming] libIDL/0.6.8 libtiff/3.5.7 libvc/003 libxml2/2.5.8 libxslt/1.0.31 expat/1.95.6 ncurses/5.3 openssl/0.9.7b openssl/0.9.7c qt-3/2.2 fontconfig/2.2.0 pkgconfig/0.15.0


starting immediately, the following libraries are available under both
Linux as well as  Solaris using the module-command:

 kogs31>/home/utcke% module whatis libIDL/0.6.8 libtiff/3.5.7 libvc/003 libxml2/2.5.8 libxslt/1.0.31 expat/1.95.6 ncurses/5.3 openssl/0.9.7b openssl/0.9.7c qt-3/2.2 fontconfig/2.2.0 pkgconfig/0.15.0

libIDL/0.6.8         : the Interface Definition Language (IDL) parsing library.
libtiff/3.5.7        : C library for the TIFF image format.
libvc/003            : a library for the vCard format.
libxml2/2.5.8        : a library used to parse XML files.
libxslt/1.0.31       : a library for XSL transformations on XML.
expat/1.95.6         : a C library for parsing XML.
ncurses/5.3          : aCRT screen handling and optimization package.
openssl/0.9.7c       : SSL and TLS libraries.
qt-3/2.2             : a GUI software toolkit.
fontconfig/2.2.0     : a Font configuration and customization library.
pkgconfig/0.15.0     : Return metainformation about installed libraries.

Considering some of the discussions of the last two weeks I would
recommend a look at libxml2, libxslt, and expat (XML-libraries).  I
would like to thank Hans Meine for installing the former two, and
Kasim Terzic for installing qt-3/2.2


PS: type

module help


module add modules; man module

    on any Unix-console to learn more about the module-command
 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
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