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Re: first palmtop?

Hello Paul,

> is it safe to say that the Poqet Classic was the first palmtop?

Don't think so.  The first one I ever saw was the Atari Portfolio,
which I'm sure predates the Poqet.  And of course that's only
DOS-based computers we are talking about --- what about the 8-bit
machines?  I would think that some sharps or HPs might well be classed
as palmtops too...

> were there other, similarly-sized machines available before the Poqet?

The Portfolio is even smaller.  Hmm.  When exactly was the Poqet
released?  What about the quaderno or the HP95 or somesuch?

> p.s. i'm also seeing whether this list still works...  :-)

Dead, but working?

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