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XJ1144 Modem and PoqetPad?


recently, quite a large number of Megahertz 14.4 PCMCIA Modems XJack
XJ1144 have been sold on ebay, and also most were not compatible with
the Poqet PC Plus (compare
http://www.olagrande.net/~webguy/service/poqetmeg.html).  So I bought
one too, unfortunately the one described as Variation 2 on the site
above --- and believe me, the lack of an internal speaker _is_
somewhat irritating...

Well, the modem works nicely in the Poqet PC Plus: it installs as
com1:, and the xjack can be used without problem if the little door on
the pcmcia-card drawer (which before I hadn't even noticed) is turned
_inwards_ rather than outwards (in which case you need to lift the
computer approx. 2mm above ground).

I then tried the same in my PoqetPad, which so far I had considered as
basically a PoqetPC Plus without the keyboard (but with a
touch-screen).  But, alas, the card is not recognised at all.  Anybody
has any experience with modems in the PoqetPad?



PS: I'm still looking for decent applications for the PoqetPad.
    Anybody got a copy of GEOS for the PC he would like to sell?  It
    is unfortunately rather difficult to look for these on ebay, as
    one then has to wade through dozens, if not hundreds of matches on
    geos for the Commodore C64 :-)
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