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Re: XJ1144 Modem and PoqetPad?

Hello Bill,

> > > I've always been interested in GEOS.  I own two versions: Ensemble
> > > and Geos both for the PC.
> >
> > Hmm.  I don't normally do this (I believe that if a software is good
> > enough to be used, it is also good enough to be paid for --- which is
> > why I do not use Windows :-), but as I seem to be completely unable to
> > obtain any copy of geos by legal means: would your conscience trouble
> > you if you send me a copy?

> Hi Sven, it is *not* a problem.  Please give me time to organize. 

That would be great, thanks!  You can either simply email the files,
or preferably drop them to 


by anonymous ftp.  Please note that you can not list that directorie's
contents, and therefore won't know whether all went well --- best to
mail me the name of the file and it's size in Bytes, so I can check...


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