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XP and SRAM, cracking hinge solution, new Poqet owners

Hi, a potpouri for Poqet fanatics...

First, I read that XP has something closer to real DOS
than W2K, does that make it possible for XP to read
our SRAM cards, you XP users?  I'll switch if that
does the trick, I've tried you folks' kind ideas for
getting W2K to recognise them, but to no avail.

Then, about that cracking right hinge problem that is
destroying what is left of our prize toys.  When the
hinge on my last Classic was breaking, I saw what
happens.  The right side rose up, whether from the
metal piece in there getting out of place or cable
pressure. Then "crack!", the hinge was kaput.  That
leads me to suspect that if we put shipping tape from
keyboard to under the screen, and maybe outside as
well, that the right side will stay down and not crack
that hinge.  That also works for cracked hinges, to
keep them from disintegrating. I've used that Poqet
for over a year now without further damage.

Finally, we need a way to let new Poqet owners know
about this forum, since it doesn't pop out at you on a
Yahoo search.  What turns up first is Brian Mason's
slumbering site (hope he gets it going again, any
word?).  One idea is to send off a short email to 
eBay Poqet buyers, mentioning this site, as I've done.


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