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Re: XP and SRAM, cracking hinge solution, new Poqet owners

> Finally, we need a way to let new Poqet owners know
> about this forum, since it doesn't pop out at you on a
> Yahoo search.  What turns up first is Brian Mason's
> slumbering site (hope he gets it going again, any
> word?).  

Well, he recently wrote on usenet that he plans to revitalize it any
time now.  No idea when exactly this will be.  I certainly believe it
would be best if the (no-volume) mailing list went back to him too and
all would again be in one hand...

> One idea is to send off a short email to eBay Poqet buyers,
> mentioning this site, as I've done.

I wonder if it would be possible to automate this (where to get their
address from?)?  Also, in these days of increasing spam-levels,
whether it can be the way to go...

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