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Re: Looking for - Wordperfect

I forgot to mention that XIP code doesn't run if copied to disk as far as I know.  Can any one else share their knowledge of how to duplicate working copies of ROM programs?
Also, I've been researching about how to boot from PCMCIA cards.  The Poqet PC has this very unusual ability by pressing the Poqet key while booting, bypassing Poqet's ROM DOS v3.3 and booting into DOS5 from slot A.  Normally, other systems cannot do this because configuration files need to setup and initialize PCMCIA slots and services.  Therefore, even if an SRAM card was formatted to boot, a computer normally does not see this boot sector.  So I believe the Poqet has special programs called "pointers" that enable slots and then erases itself from RAM!  Can anyone confirm and if so, can this special file be identified?  I'd like to find out if there are generic pointers that may help override other palmtop system's hard coded boot procedures so that booting from unused PCMCIA slots are possible (overriding the default operating system.)  I'm teaching myself Assembly language with this aim in mind.  There a great resource for this: 
Although I knew the progression of Intel CPUs, 8086, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, I never knew exactly what the difference are.  It is explained here in detail in order to understand this language that affects CPU and RAM directly.  FYI.  --Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Moy
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for - Wordperfect

There is a ROM card that runs WordPerfect for the PoqetPC.  I believe it's advantages are that it doesn't use RAM to run; -that it runs directly from ROM.  I'm not 100% sure.  There's another program that is considered the stripped down version of WordPerfect, called LetterPerfect.  I'm not sure about the issues of copying ROM programs; if it's anything like Omnibook's System Card with Windows, the both of them will be in XIP code (eXecute In Place -which doesn't need to load in RAM to run.)
Yes, there is PoqetTools for PC, I have it somewhere.  I will need to find it.  Perhaps Sven wouldn't mind setting up these files on his site, I'm pretty sure it's not on Bryan Mason's site because of release issues.  Does software become public domain if abandoned?  Bryan, is this still a concern? 
At this time I'd like to mention this tip:  I used to have lots of free storage space online until each started to close their doors one at a time.  There a one that I just discovered and still 100% Free, Yahoo's Briefcase  -and something like 30 Megs!!  Once again, I am able to share files to others without sending large attachments.  Get yours too!  -Bill
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