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Re: Rebuilding Poqet Plus battery packs

Hello Robert,

> I tried rebuilding one pack, following AA2VK's instructions at:
> http://www.njqrp.org/poqetpc/aa2vk%20review.html
> I used Rayovac IC3 AA NiMH 2000mAh AA rechargables.  

Hmm.  I only know Rayovac for rechargable Alkalines, which of course
is not what one would want here.  But you said you used NiMH, so that
shouldn't be your problem.  Also, I found that there are better
form-factors than the AA one...

> I tried charging the rebuilt battery pack both inside a Poqet Plus (plugged
> into an AC adapter, with computer power off), and with a Poqet external
> charger.  The batteries charged enough to boot up the computer, but within
> just a minute or two the battery warning LCD came on.  I don't know if the
> battery pack ever charged fully.

For how long dodo it charge?  What voltage do you measure on a freshly
charged pack, and after breakdown?

> My goal is to be able to get some decent operating life WITH THE POQET'S
> BACKLIGHT ON with rebuilt packs.  Is this possible?  

Absolutely, see also:


> Is there any particular type/brand of rechargeable AAs that people
> have had success with in rebuilding these battery packs?

I used no-name cells from www.reichelt.de, with a slightly bigger form
factor than AA (AF maybe? Or A?  These now sell with up to 2700mAh!).
Take about 3 hours to charge, and certainly allow more than 3 hours of
work (I've never run them down so far, so I don't know how long they
would last, but I have, several times, run down Alkalines in my Sharp,
which happens after 3 hours, so I certainly get more life out of the

> Any other portable power alternatives worth
> considering?

Rebuilding the Pack _should_ work without a flaw.

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