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Re: PoqetPC list

Hello John,

> We still have several of them that are used when we need long
> battery life and are doing text only processing.


> My complaint with the email traffic on 
> <poqetpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> was a housekeeping issue because the ONLY email messages I was seeing 
> were "VIRUS" alerts. Something that is NOT technically necessary to 
> have been moving onto the list.

Right, but:

> When and "if" the list provider learns to use their software properly 
> and the list members DO NOT see uninformative housekeeping emails - 
> let me know and I'll consider re-joining the PoqetPC list.

Well, the only software used for this list is a sendmail alias.  I
asked for help in setting this up in such a way that you wouldn't see
spam or virus-warnings, but got no answer and so far haven't been able
to do it myself.  The obvious answer is to use some list managing
software, of course --- well, maybe some day...

 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
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