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Re: [Poqetpc] Q

Hi Daryl,

> > In any case, here's a bit of an interesting discovery I wanted to
> > post: while experimenting with Windows3.1 a lower case variable,
> > "windir" is created, just like Windows95!  I did not yet try to
> > see if this occurs with Win3.0 though (which, of course, would be
> > applicable to Poqet users.)  Actual use of this variable, as well
> > as all environment variables is being explored.  --Bill

> Not sure what a WinDir is, but if Win 3.1 has it, the
> Poqet Classic should, as it is version 3.3 (not 3.0, I
> just did a "ver" at the prompt to make sure my memory
> was right).

Hmm, but that (3.3) is the DOS-version, isn't it, while 3.1 or 3.0 are
Windows-Versions, 3.0 (I believe, but this might be 3.1 versus 3.11)
the last one to run on 8088 class machines.  And in those days windows
and dos were to distinct products, with dos the OS and windows running
on top of DOS (pretty much any, except DR-DOS, for which explicit code
existed in Windows to make it run worse instead of better).

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