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Re: [Poqetpc] Poqetpc question

Hello Tom,

> I am thinking of buying a used poqetpc.  I am looking for a place to
> get some spefications.  Can you tell me, for example, if I can
> install a notebook hard drive in it?  Either it was meant to be

It wasn't.

> or possibly can I hack it?

I don't think so.  I don't know about the classic, but the Plus comes
with two PCMCIA-ports.  In theory, I believe, it should be possible to
wire an IDE-Drive to one of theses ports, but it might draw too much
power, and it certainly wont fit into the shell.  Although, It's a
fair assumption that the Poqet would not support drives > 512MB

That said, the Poqet can read many (but not all) CF-cards, using an CF
to PCMCIA adaptor, so that might be a better option (an certainly a
simpler an cheaper way to find out if disks > 512 MB are

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