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[Poqetpc] Cards on PoqetPad (was: Any Poqet PCs for Sale?)

Hello Bryant,

>    I have just recently purchased two PoqetPad Plus computers from the 
> person I mentioned who was/is selling them on ebay. I have a great deal of 
> experience with computers in general, but have not messed with a PoqetPad 
> at all.
>    The two I have both boot up fine, to Dos5, and have the factory 
> installed complement of programs on C: and D:.
>    I have several type III drives as well as some PCMCIA flash cards. My 
> question is:

I assume that the Type III Drives are HDD?

>    How do you get the PoqetPad to recognize the cards/drives when inserted 
> into the slots? Both types are formated to Dos5 but when I put them in the 
> slot and press the reset button they just come up as not able to read.

Ok, I own the PoqetPC Plus as well as the PoqetPad (isn't this called
PoqetPad Plus too?).  The Poqet Plus by default will recognise SRAM
cards, which are small, expensive and hard to get.  By loading three
drivers in order:

PQSS.EXE    ! PCMCIA Socket Services
PQCCU.EXE   ! PCMCIA PP+/PC+ Card Configuration Utility
PQCARD.EXE  ! PP+/PC+ PCMCIA Card Driver V1.18

as described on
http://www.olagrande.net/~webguy/service/poqet.html#Useful the poqetpc
will be able to read many (not all, unfortunately) pcmcia and even
compact flash cards (using an adaptor, obviously).

However, the PoqetPad won't.  I don't remeber what I tried.  I believe
the PoqetPad is missing the drivers, but I might have tried copying
the original drivers from the PoqetPC Plus --- iff I did, it was
without success.  At any rate, I wasn't able to read flash-cards in
the PoqetPad, but might not have tried overly hard...

Ok, not much help, I fear.  Nonetheless, happy new year...

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