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Re: [Poqetpc] Any Poqet PCs for Sale?

Hello all,

> That should do the trick.  

Yeah, but doesn't, at least not on my poqetpad.  There, if I boot with
an SRAM card in a: then the config.sys and autoexec.bat from that SRAM
card are used (which essentially renders the computer unuseable as the
autoexec.bat on that card doesn't know about the poqetpad and forgets
to load the keyboard :-)

> I wasn't sure if you were loading C&SS or not, but if not, then the
> PCMCIA socket won't be seen by DOS.

Not quite.  The above behaviour means that if I do _not_ C&SS then an
SRAM card will be seen.  If, by contrast, I first boot the machine
using the default autoexec.bat and config.sys, i.e. loading C&SS, then
the SRAM-card can not be read (the computer in fact hangs on accessing
the drive).  This, by the way, is consistent with the behaviour I get
from my poqet plus.  _But_: where on the Plus loading C&SS means I can
now read CF-cards, this does not work on the Pad --- at all.  The
drive isn't even recognized.

Now, all this might just mean that there's something wrong with my Pad
(which, by the way, I think has modified firmware loaded, as there are
no PIM applications, just as on my Plus, but a lot of connectivity and
barcode stuff instead), so I would very much appreciate if Bryant or
someone else out there could verify all this, but at least for my
machine this does not seem to work --- which is rather a pitty...

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