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Re: Provider in Germany (was: Sandisk Flash Disk...)

> > Howewer in Germany for example it is useless, because you need some
> > special tarif programme to be able to make a internet calls, it is
> > not possible with prepaid services (as far I know, Sven can probably
> > tell more about it) All internet dialup numbers (0193??) are blocked
> > here.

> However, it is my understanding that, while the classical call-by-call
> (010??) numbers are blocked, there are a small number of providers who
> offer call-by-call based on local phone numbers, and these could be
> used.  

This is probably only of interest to Radek, but I thought I would send
it to the list anyway:


gives a list of German call-by-call providers with such numbers.  It
is my understanding that these _should_ be callable from a cell-phone.

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