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Re: CF-card
Hello Ulrich, hello Michael,
> the card I have is a SanDisk 32 MB CompactFlash bought at Conrad, one
> of those recommended on Sven's website as "working".
> I also use the PCMIA adapter from Conrad.
> Once I inserted it into my subnotebook, it was immediately recognized
> and the necessary drivers installed automatically: but that is with
> Win98 SE, not First Edition.
I tried the same with an old 486-based Laptop (Thinkpad 360PE) and one
of the first versions of Windows _95_ running, and the card was
recognized without problem. I can only guess that maybe some drivers
needed have not been installed...
> All I can think of is trying to load the DOS drivers you use on the
> PC-3K (sundrv.zip) in the config.sys of the laptop under Win98 - that
> may work.
I doubt very much that this will work, as the driver uses some
proprietary BIOS-extensions of the PC3100 (or so I understand).
To summarize: The CF-card should be reand readable under Windows (at
least 95 and 98) out of the box, if not, it is probably some problem
with the Windows-setup. Now if only I could say the same about Linux
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