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Unix on pc3100 (was: DOS 4 and higher)

Hello Stewart,

> Since you can boot Linux from DOS, I did have an idea to load Linux on the
> PC3k, but even the smallest distributions of Linux with any real
> functionality need at least 8 MB, and at least a 386 processor.

This isn't quite correct, as you can (and some people do) run Linux
with less RAM, provided you do have some swap-space available (which,
basically, means that you can not boot any of the usual
floppy-versions with less then 8MB).  You are however right that a 386
or above is required.

There is ELKS for 8086 based computers (Embedded Linux Kernel Subset),
which boots, but unfortunately doesn't do anything usefull just yet
(nor in the forseeable future) and legend has it that some version of
minix might be available for the 8086 (or compatible).

      IBM Thinkpad 701C, 80486 DX4/75, 40MB RAM, 3.2GB HDD, Linux 2.0.36