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Re: Replace lithium battery

Hello Ottar,

> The "replace lithium battery" warning keeps coming up even if I have
> inserted a fresh lithium battery, several times. Apparently there is
> no contact with the back-up battery, and I fear loosing data when
> changing batteries. How can this be fixed?

It's hard to suggest a solution if it is a mechanical problem (at
least without looking at it --- cleaning the contacts springs to
mind).  However, I had similar problems which went away only after a
reboot (and, in one case, a total reset) --- but obviously this isn't
a viable solution if you do not have a backup of the data stored on
the PC3k.

> Is it possible to buy memory cards anywhere? 

Sure, up to 32MB.

> I have a 16 MB Sandisk CF-card. Can it be used with the 3100? How?

Very likely.  Have a look at


Hope this helps

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