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Re: How??? PC3k and Laplink

I did some checks last night to verify the comments I made in the last email about laplink and the PC3100.
1. The laplink in the PC3100 will only communicate with the laplink that it or any other PC3100 installs on another machine. 
That is, you cannot disk copy the PC3100 laplink to another computer and expect it to work.  You must let a PC3100 install it on the other computer OR use a copy of the laplink that a PC3100 has installed.  I am not sure which version is on the Sharp ftp site.
I can email you the installed version if you like.
You can check which laplink is on your desktop PC by looking at the right window pane.  If it says press <F10> to install it is the wrong one.  The laplink that the PC3100 installs does not say this.  It says something like this laplink will only work with the laplink that installed it.
2. I did some checks with different PCs and operating systems to see which will work with the PC3100 installed laplink.
- Celeron 466 PC with Windows 98 booted to dos does not work.
- Celeron 466 PC booted from a dos 6.22 floppy does not work.
- Toshiba Pentium 75 laptop with Windows 95c booted to dos does not work.
- Toshiba Pentium 75 laptop booted from a dos 6.22 floppy DOES work.
- Old Intel 486 DX66 PC running dos 6.22 DOES work.
So it seems there are hardware as well as DOS or BIOS compatibility issues.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: How???

Before I explain I would like to say thanks for helping.
I have found the DIAG program on the PC 3100  and run it, according to the program my RS 232C Port is offline, How do I turn it online, Could the answer be very exact because I have been told to go to the setup menu, but where.
These are the steps I have taken to lik my computer up.
1) Taken laplink cable, plugged it into the com1 port of my computer, whcih is a celeron running Win 98.
2)Copied the copy of laplink I got off SVEN's FTP onto my harddrive.
3)Booted up in DOS mode.
4)Ran laplink on PC 3100
5)Ran Laplink on computer
6) I did try this the other way round.  
Ina nswer to your question I have 2 cards(flash I think) which aren't formatted. I need to transfer sdisk to format them.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: How???

Maybe it would help if you explained step by step the way you are trying to get laplink on line.  By online do you mean to indicate connected?
Have you remotely installed laplink on your other computer?  ie. did you follow the instructions for remote installation from the PC3000 to the big computer by pressing <F10> in PC3000 laplink and follow the prompts.?
If you are using a Laplink program on the other computer that was not installed from the Sharp, it is likely that you will have problems.  I certainly did.  The laplink on the PC3000 is a special version.
So, some questions:
1. Were you able to remotely install laplink on to the big computer from the PC3000?
2. If not, do you know for sure that the laplink on the big computer will talk to the PC3000?
3. What operating system are you using on the big computer ie. DOS verson or Windows (what version)?
4. Do you have an SRAM or flash card that works on the PC3000?  This may be an easier way to get going.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 12:32 PM
Subject: How???

Thanks for all the help people but i just don't understand how to get laplink to work.
The fact that the serial port is offline is probably the problem. HOW do you get the thing online, it is connceted to my computer and stilll won't go online, when I click on online it still comes up with no.