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Re: CF card and the Sharp PC3000/HP95LX experiences (fwd)
Hi Sven,
I have added my remarks to the text.
On 7 Feb 2002, at 11:04, Sven Utcke wrote:
> Hello Jan,
> > Power.exe from DIP has an option /c- or /a that according to the
> > description only powers the CF card when accessed. It works similar
> > with the other external ports.
> Sorry if this is a stupid question: where would one get this? Or is
> this included with the Sharp?
Not included. I got it through my role in the former Dutch HCC
Sharp user group that I mentioned before. So I feel stupid that I
can't tell you where to get it.
> Also, your mail was addressed only to me, not the list (I _really_
> ought to fix the headers. Sigh!). Should I put it into the archive
> nontheless?
It was indeed meant for the archive, but the reactions will probably
be similar to yours 'what is power.exe?' It is copyrighted by DIP
and if I'm correct DIP has no Sharp PC3000 stuff on its website. I
have no idea about the policy Dip Research has with this material
from 1993. (see header at the of this message)
It is attached to this reply, it is a compressed file. Perhaps you can
place it on your site and place my previous reaction in the archive. I
don't expect to many enthousiasts cut power lines, but you never
> Thanks
> Sven
1. did yo know DIP had its own interrupt mentioned in the DOS
interrupt list? I believe it is int 7E.
2. do you or the archive know that a complete set of built-in PC3K applications also exist for the desktop PC?
Its compressed length is 503 kB and comes from PICO. I suppose this was also sold separately.
I expect this article to be obsolete as well. Perhaps an idea for the
> --
> _ __ The Cognitive Systems Group
> | |/ /___ __ _ ___ University of Hamburg
> | ' </ _ \/ _` (_-< phone: +49 (0)40 42883-2576 Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
> |_|\_\___/\__, /__/ fax : +49 (0)40 42883-2572 D-22527 Hamburg
> |___/ http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~utcke/home.html
REM ************************************************************************
REM Copyright (c) DIP Research, Jan 1993.
REM AUTHOR : J. Nethercott
REM DATE STARTED : 16.02.1993
REM Install the following SPC utitlities :-
REM TURBO.EXE Improves speed of applications.
REM POWER.EXE Power management program.
REM UPDATE.SYS Various updates.
REM BOLD.COM Improves clarity of display.
REM CURSOR.COM Changes cursor to solid block.
REM NORMAL.COM Reverse effect of BOLD.COM
REM ************************************************************************