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Re: [Sharp-pc3k] MELCARD nutzern

Hello John,

> Where is the best place to get an SRAM compatible card from, 

Ebay, I would guess --- at least that's where I got mine from.  There
are always a few listed, but prices can be quite high.

> and do they still make them?

Last time I checked, maybe 2 years ago, they did (for industrial
applications).  you could even get 32MB and above (no use in the
Sharp).  However, prices were outrageous, as in several thousand
Dollars for one 32MB card.

> I have 3 sharp pc-3000's which I brought at a computer trade fair
> for £10 pounds sterling.

Nice deal :-)

> My intentions are to install a form of unix 

Don't.  Minix supposedly can be installed, and presumably this means
that elks could be installed too, but both do not do anything usefull
which couldn't much easier be achived in DOS.

> or a ax.25 protocol in dos which will support packet or data over
> radio. Has anyone successfully done this?

Is this HAM-radio?  I know _many_ people use old DOS-based palmtops
for this (the Sharp, but also the Poqet and the HPLX), so it surely is
possible --- but don't ask me how.  Maybe look around on Super:


Hope this helps

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