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Re: [Poqetpc] Poqetpc question

Hello John,

> I found this recent question ln linux hacker. Has anyone installed  
> linux on the PoquetPC?

No.  Linux requires at least an MMU (Memory Managment Unit).  The
80186 does not have an MMU, hence you can not have Linux on such a

There _is_ Elks though


But this doesn#t really do anything usefull yet.  In particular:

> >I have a casiopeia pa 2400u 

That is a PocketPC, NOT a PoqetPC.  Quite different beasts really.

> >I have found a suitable device called the Poquetpc, which is PDA sized  
> >but has a NEC V-30 cpu in it, the same as came in the first generation  
> >of IBM clones. I did a search and could not find any info at all on  
> >how to install Linux on this cpu.

You can't --- see above.

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