Department of Informatics
Scene analysis and visualization (SAV)

Research Projects

01/2012 – 04/2014Consultant for the funded project Fiber-Impact
Title: Analyses on the Fiber Quality of TMP for the production of Medium Dense Fibre Boards (MDF)
In German Untersuchungen der Faserqualität von TMP für die MDF-Produktion
Funded by:Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
Partners:Fagus GreCon Greten (Industrial partner, Alfeld, Germany)
von Thünen Institute for Wood Research, University of Hamburg
01/2011 – 12/2013Co-PI of the satellite data project DTeddie
Title: Detecting and Tracking Small Scale Eddies in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea Using High-Resolution RADARSAT-2 andTerraSAR-X Imagery
Partners:Institute für Marine Sciences, University of Hamburg
Russian Space Institute, Dept. for Remote Sensing (IKI, Moskau)
06/2010 – 11/2011PI of funded project Fiber-View
Title: Design, development and Evaluation of an Image Based Analyzing System for the Characterization of Shives during the Manufacturing of Medium Dense Fibre Boards (MDF)
In German Konzipierung, Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Bildanalysesystems zur Erkennung von grobe Faserelementen während des Herstellungsprozesses von mitteldichten Holzfaserplatten (MDF)
Funded by:Zentrale Innovationsförderung für den Mittelstand (ZIM)
Partners:Fagus GreCon Greten (Industrial partner, Alfeld, Germany)
von Thünen Institute for Wood Research, University of Hamburg
01/2009 – 12/2009Co-PI of the funded project Fiber-Vision
Title: Development of an Image Based Analyzing Software for the Quality Control of Wood Fibers for the Manufacturing of Medium Dense Fibre Boards (MDF)
In German Entwicklung einer Software zur bildanalytischen Qualitätskontrolle von Holzfasern für die Herstellung von mitteldichten Faserplatten (MDF)
Funded by:Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
Partners:Fagus GreCon Greten (Industrial partner, Alfeld, Germany)
von Thünen Institute for Wood Research, University of Hamburg