Department of Informatics
Scene analysis and visualization (SAV)

Howto use the VIGRA on Windows

Introducing VIGRA

VIGRA stands for "Vision with Generic Algorithms". It's a novel computer vision library that puts its main emphasize on customizable algorithms and data structures. By using template techniques similar to those in the C++ Standard Template Library, you can easily adapt any VIGRA component to the needs of your application, without thereby giving up execution speed. VIGRA was originally designed and implemented by Ullrich Köthe. To get more information, visit the VIGRA Homepage!

Which possiblities of use will I find here?

Of course, there are a lot of different ways to develop and compile C++ programs on windows. But I know from my (personal) experience that you split the most of Windows developers into two groups: Those who use the MS Visual Studio and those who prefer GNU-Tools (like e.g. the MinGW compiler). Since the MinGW environment is quite close to the linux 'world' you may follow the official installation guide of the vigra in this case. Thus, I will only describe the use of VIGRA on windows by means of Visual Studio:

Visual Studio is maybe the most popular IDE for Windows. It is based - at least for the C++ part - on the Microsoft C++ Compiler but does not bring with a common package system as we know from Linux. This text copes the use of the vigra by means of the (nearly) current versions 10 & 11 a.k.a ''2010'' and ''2012''
Go here for infos on how to work with the VIGRA on MS Visual Studio 2010/12



Archive (deprecated versions)

Here you find the deprecated older versions of the VIGRA-Intercafes to other languages. Plese note that this archive in only existing for sake of completeness. Do not use any of the deprecated versions!

  1. Work with the VIGRA on MS Visual Studio 2005 (only vigra-1.6.0)
    Visual Studio is maybe the most popular IDE for Windows. It is based - at least for the C++ part - on the Microsoft C++ Compiler but does not bring with a common package system as we know from Linux. This text copes the use of the vigra by means of the (nearly) current version 8 a.k.a ''2005''
  2. Work with the VIGRA on Dev-C++ (only vigra-1.5.0)
    Dev-C++ is an IDE for Windows that is build on-top of the MinGW compiler. It introduces its own tiny package system which makes it quite easy to embed vigra in the develop environment. In this tutorial we will describe how all packages have to be integrated into Dev-C++ to create and run an example program that uses the VIGRA functionality.