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Word from Bryan Mason

Hi there,

I suggested to Brian Mason that

> > Well, as someone told me only moments ago: the opposite of "well" is
> > "well meant" (not quite sure how well this translates) --- I have by
> > now created a hand-managed replacement list at
> > 
> > poqetpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > 
> > not as fancy-full as yours (it is hand-managed, and no digests yet),
> > but still.  I would suggest that once you get the original list up and
> > going again we simply merge lists back...

And he replied

> That makes sense to me.  It will probably be a while before I can get the 
> mailing list back up since I'm very busy purchasing a house right now, 
> which is taking up all my time.

So I guess this is now more or less the official replacement-list.
Not that it has seen much traffic lately :-)

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